Agenda and minutes

Delegated Decisions by Deputy Leader of the Council (including Transport) - Thursday, 3 January 2013 10.00 am

Venue: County Hall, New Road, Oxford

Contact: Graham Warrington  Tel: (01865) 815321; E-Mail:

Note: Deputy Leader responsibilities include transport 

No. Item


Petitions and Public Address





Councillor John Tanner


4. Proposed zebra crossing B4495 Weirs Lane, Oxford

Councillor John Sanders

5. Proposed parking restrictions – St Lukes Road, Cowley and Elm Tree Close, Littlemore

Councillor Michael Waine

6. Proposed parking restrictions around Bicester North Station

Paul Sergeantson

7. Proposed 40 speed limit Howe Hill, Watlington

Ross Mattinson

9. Traffic Calming Measures in Crawley




Proposed Zebra Crossing B4495 Weirs Lane, Oxford pdf icon PDF 148 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/164

Contact: Jim Daughton, Highways & Transport Service Manager Tel: (01865) 815083


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Commercial) (CMDDL4).



The Deputy Leader considered objections and other comments received to a formal consultation for a proposed zebra crossing on the B4495 Weirs lane, Oxford funded under the area stewardship fund and responding to long standing requests for provision of a crossing at this point.


Councillor Tanner thanked the Deputy Leader for his consideration.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him at this meeting and the further considerations set out above the Deputy Leader of the Council confirmed his decisions on this matter as follows:


to authorise implementation of the zebra crossing on Weirs Lane, Oxford as advertised.



Deputy Leader of the Council






Proposed Parking Restrictions - St Lukes Road, Cowley and Elm Tree Close, Littlemore pdf icon PDF 699 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/160

Contact: Jim Daughton, Highways & Transport Service Manager Tel: (01865) 815083


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Commercial) (CMDDL5).



The Deputy Leader considered measures to introduce new or amended parking restrictions in St Luke’s Road, Cowley and Elm Tree Close, Littlemore.  The measures were part of a package developed by the local councillor and funded through the area stewardship fund. There had been objections received to parts of the package of measures and these were being reported although other elements had not been objected to and had been implemented under delegated authority.


In response to a suggestion from the Deputy Leader Councillor Sanders had no objection to a reduction in the length of restriction in Elm Tree Close from 20 metres to 10.  Officers raised no objection to that amendment.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him at this meeting and the further considerations set out above the Deputy Leader of the Council confirmed his decisions on this matter as follows:


to approve the Oxfordshire County Council (Various        Streets Cowley Area) (Traffic Regulation) Consolidation (Variation      No.11) Order 20** as advertised and as amended in paragraph 10 of the report CMDDL5 and subject to reducing that length of restriction in Elm Tree Close from 20 metres to 10.




Deputy Leader of the Council







Proposed Parking Restrictions Around Bicester North Station pdf icon PDF 915 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/163

Contact: Jim Daughton, Highways & Transport Service Manager Tel: (01865) 815083


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Commercial) (CMDDL6).



The Deputy Leader considered objections received to a formal consultation on proposals to introduce new parking restrictions in various roads in the vicinity of Bicester North station funded through the area stewardship fund by the local councillor and promoted in response to local concerns regarding danger and congestion caused from parking by rail commuters.


Councillor Waine commended the proposals which responded to concerns expressed by large groups of people who suffered from the effects of commuter parking.  He supported the conclusion that there were other issues in Woodfield Road and Blake Road, which was why that element of the scheme was not going ahead but he looked forward to working with officers to try and address the specific concerns which affected those areas. 


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him at this meeting and the further considerations set out above the Deputy Leader of the Council confirmed his decisions on this matter as follows:


(a)               approve the parking restrictions in Balliol Drive, Cedar Drive, Magdalen Close and part of Bassett Avenue as advertised as part of the Oxfordshire County Council (Bicester) (Traffic Regulation) (Amendment No.2*) Order 20**;


(b)               not approve the parking restrictions in Woodfield Road and Blake Road as advertised.




Deputy Leader of the Council




Proposed 40 Speed Limit Howe Hill Watlington pdf icon PDF 477 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/159

Contact: Jim Daughton, Highways & Transport Service Manager Tel: (01865) 815083


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Commercial) (CMDDL7).






The Deputy Leader considered objections and comments received to a consultation on a proposal to introduce a 40 mph speed limit on Howe Hill, Watlington.  The proposal had been promoted by the local county councillor through the area stewardship fund and in response to concerns expressed by local residents regarding speed of vehicles which they perceived to be excessive for this particular location.


Mr Sargeantson raised a number of concerns regarding priority and cost particularly in the light of the expectation that the county council would be expected to make further savings of £77 million by 2017. he sought clarification regarding signage and further concern regarding the impact of that on the local countryside. He did not accept the assertion that speed was excessive and his own survey had suggested that average speed was 38 mph and the lack of evidence of collisions suggested that this was not a particularly dangerous stretch of road.  He had extensive local knowledge of this stretch of road and held a class 1 HGV licence and advanced driver qualifications and maintained this limit was unnecessary and asked that at the very least the proposal be deferred to allow for a professional review but preferably it be abandoned altogether.


Mr Stenning confirmed that the scheme had been sponsored through the area stewardship fund following a request by the local councillor and officers had proceeded on that basis. The cost of the scheme at £5,000 would cover the costs of the legal order, two sets of gateway signs and approximately 14 repeater signs.


The Deputy Leader appreciated concerns regarding signing but reiterated the legal minimum requirement which needed to be met but felt sure that  consideration would be given where possible to minimising the impact.  With regard to the scheme itself this had been developed as part of the localism initiative and even if the scheme did not proceed then the money could not be used as a future saving.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him at this meeting and the further considerations set out above the Deputy Leader of the Council confirmed his decisions on this matter as follows:


to authorise the implementation of the Traffic Regulation Order for a 40mph speed limit on Howe Hill, Watlington as advertised.





Deputy Leader of the Council




Proposed Parking Restrictions - Station Road, Haydon Road and Edmunds Court, Didcot pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/161

Contact: Jim Daughton, Highways & Transport Service Manager Tel: (01865) 815083


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Commercial) (CMDDL8).



The Deputy Leader considered objections received to a formal consultation on proposals to introduce new or amended parking restrictions in Station Road, Haydon Road and Edmunds Court, Didcot.  Two of the proposals had been  developed in conjunction with the local county councillor and funded as part of the area stewardship fund initiative and the third in Edmunds Road through funding from a S106 agreement associated with an adjacent development.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him at this meeting and the further considerations set out above the Deputy Leader of the Council confirmed his decisions on this matter as follows:


to approve the parking restrictions set out in this report and as advertised as the Oxfordshire County Council (Various Roads – South Oxfordshire) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting and Permitted Parking ) (Variation No.6*) Order 20**






Deputy Leader of the Council





Traffic Calming Measures in Crawley pdf icon PDF 637 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/143

Contact: Jim Daughton, Highways & Transport Service Manager Tel: (01865) 815083


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Commercial) (CMDDL9).



The Deputy Leader considered a proposal to introduce traffic calming in the form of two new kerbed build outs in the narrow stretch through the existing priority working section of Leafield Road north of the village.  The scheme had been sponsored partly by the Parish Council (£4,000), Section 106 funding (£10,000) and area stewardship fund (£3,000).


The Deputy Leader noted further comments from Frank Thompson reiterating  further concerns regarding the safety of the scheme and calling for deferral to allow for further consideration to be given and also a supplementary response from Thames Valley Police which stated that at this late stage and after the extensive consultation which had been carried out it would be wrong to do nothing. They  felt the only way forward now was to implement the scheme but with strict monitoring and if the collision history should change dramatically then there would be an option to remove the scheme. They also supported the suggestion of a trial scheme using temporary blocks to gauge the effectiveness of the scheme before going to full construction.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him at this meeting and the further considerations set out above the Deputy Leader of the Council confirmed his decisions on this matter as follows:


to authorise the implementation of the traffic calming measures in Leafield Road, Crawley as advertised.




Deputy Leader of the Council

