Agenda and minutes

County Council - Tuesday, 15 May 2012 10.00 am

Venue: County Hall, Oxford OX1 1ND

Contact: Deborah Miller  Tel: (01865) 815384; E-Mail:

Note: Annual Meeting 

No. Item


Election to Chairman 2012/13 Council Year


Before inviting nominations for the office of Chairman of the Council, Councillor Patrick Greene (the retiring Chairman) addressed the meeting, reflecting on his year in office. He thanked the Vice-Chairman (Councillor Seale), his wife and his Personal Assistant (Sara Lenihan) for all their help and support during the year.  He further paid tibute to Councillor Keith Mitchell and congratulated Councillor Ian Hudspeth on his forthcoming appointment as Leader of the Council.


He then presented his wife with a consort badge and some flowers and presented Sara Lenihan with flowers as a token of his appreciation.


Councillors Stevens (on behalf of Councillor Brighouse), Patrick, Larry Sanders and Mitchell paid tribute to Councillor Greene.


Councillor Stevens proposed and Councillor John Sanders seconded that Councillor Susanna Pressel be elected Chairman of the Council for the 2012/13 Council Year.


Councillor Patrick proposed and Councillor Armitage seconded that Councillor Anne Purse be elected Chairman of the Council for the 2012/13 Council Year.


Councillor Mitchell proposed and Councillor Robertson seconded that Councillor Don Seale be elected Chairman of the Council for the 2012/13 Council Year.


Forty-eight members voting in favour of Councillor Greene, 12 members voting in favour of Councillor Purse and 8 members voting in favour of Councillor Pressel, Councillor Seale was declared elected Chairman of the Council for the 2012/13 Council Year.  He read and signed the statutory Declaration of Acceptance of Office and then took the Chair.


RESOLVED: (by 48 votes) that Councillor Don Seale be elected as Chairman of the Council for the 2012/13 Council Year.


Election of Vice-Chairman for the 2012/13 Council Year


The Chairman called for nominations for the office of Vice-Chairman. Councillor Mitchell proposed and Councillor Service seconded that Councillor Tim Hallchurch be elected Vice-Chairman of the Council for the 2012/13 Council Year.  There being no other nominations and no dissent, Councillor Hallchurch was declared elected.  He read and signed the statutory Declaration of Acceptance of Office.


RESOLVED:  (nem con) that Councillor Tim Hallchurch be elected Vice-Chairman of the Council for the 2012/13 Council Year.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 169 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 3 April 2012 (CC1) and to receive information arising from them.


RESOLVED: that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 3 April 2012 be approved and signed subject to the following amendments:


Minute 157/12 to be corrected by:


Deletion of the amendment set out in paragraph 3 and its substitution by the following:


“Council records the views expressed during the debate and that these are taken into consideration by the Cabinet and Adult Services Scrutiny.”


Replacement of the word “venerable” in bullet point 12 by the word “vulnerable”.


Replacement of the word “visits” in bullet point 14 with the word “visit”.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors: Bonner, Brighouse, Chapman, Jones and Strangwood.


Official Communications

(a)               To receive the following report from the County Returning Officer on the outcome of the by-elections for the Watlington Division held on 19 April 2012:


Voting was as follows:


Nicholas Martin Hancock

259 votes

Jonathan Jason Kent 

110 votes

James Herbert Merritt

157 votes

Caroline Anne Newton

865 votes


Caroline Anne Newton was accordingly elected County Councillor for the Watlington Division.


(b)        Any other official communications.


The Chairman reported as follows:


The Chairman welcomed the Council’s new member Councillor Caroline Newton who had been elected County Councillor for the Watlington Division.  He asked Council to receive the report of the Returning Officer as set out on the face of the Agenda.


RESOLVED: to receive the report from the County Returning officer as set out on the face of the Agenda.


The Chairman reported that many local events and street parties were taking place across the County to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee and the Olympics.  These were, in the main, being organised by district, town and parish councils. 


Notable events included the lighting of Beacons across the County on Monday 4 June and the Olympic Torch Relay on Monday 9 & Tuesday 10 July 2012.  He drew members attention to a briefing note providing the detail of where and when these events would be taking place which had been placed on member’s seats.  Details could also be found on the Council’s website.



Members are asked to consider the following appointments:


(a)              To make appointments to the office of Leader of the Council;

(b)              in the light of (a) above to receive the report of the Leader setting out the names, addresses and electoral divisions of the people appointed to the Cabinet and their respective portfolio’s (to be circulated at the meeting);

(c)               dependent on (b) above to agree any consequent changes to the names and responsibilities of Scrutiny  and other Committees.




The Chairman sought nominations for the appointment to the office of Leader of the Council.


Councillor Waine proposed and Councillor Skolar seconded Councillor Hudspeth for the appointment to the office of Leader of the Council.


Councillor Tanner proposed and Councillor Stevens seconded Councillor Brighouse for the appointment to the office of Leader of the Council.


Forty-seven members voting in favour of Councillor Hudspeth and 8 members voting in favour of Councillor Brighouse, Councillor Hudspeth was declared elected.  Councillor Hudspeth then led warm tributes to the former Leader of the Council, followed by Councillors Skolar, Patrick, Stevens (on behalf of Councillor Brighouse, Larry Sanders, Shouler, Handley and Fatemian.  He then paid tribute to Councillor Robertson, Former Deputy Leader of the Council for his work.


A report by the Leader of the Council (a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of the minutes) was then circulated to all members of the Council  The report set out the appointments the Leader of the Council had made, together with the delegation of functions of the Cabinet.


RESOLVED: (on a motion by Councillor Hudspeth, seconded by Councillor Rose and carried nem con)


(a)               to appointment Councillor Ian Hudspeth to the office of Leader of the Council;

(b)               in the light of (a) above to receive the report of the Leader setting out the names, addresses and electoral divisions of the people appointed to the Cabinet and their respective portfolio’s (a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of the minutes).


Committees and Review of Political Balance pdf icon PDF 99 KB

Report by the County Solicitor and Monitoring Officer (CC8).


The Council is required annually to appoint "at least one Scrutiny Committee and such other committees as the Council considers appropriate" and to review the political balance on committees and appoint members to the committees.


The Council is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)       confirm the political balance on committees shown in Annex 3 to the report;

(b)       approve the amended and new terms of reference as set out in annex 1a and 1b and appoint to committees the councillors and co-opted members shown in Annex 1, subject to any changes reported at the meeting.

Additional documents:


The Council had before them a report by the County Solicitor and Monitoring Officer (CC8), together with an updated membership of committees and sub-committees (Annex 2 to the Schedule of Business).


Councillor Seale moved and Councillor Hallchurch seconded the recommendations set out on the face of the Agenda as amended by Annex 2 (amended Annex 1) attached to the Schedule of Business (a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of the minutes) and the Addenda tabled at the meeting containing an additional recommendation (c) as follows:


“(c)      subject to the terms of reference agreed at (b) to confirm the remaining existing terms of reference of committees and sub-committees.”


RESOLVED: (nem con) to:


(a)       confirm the political balance on committees shown in Annex 3 to the report;

(b)       approve the amended and new terms of reference as set out in Annex 1a and 1b andappoint to committees the councillors and co-opted members shown in Annex 1, subject to any changes reported at the meeting;

(c)        subject to the terms of reference agreed at (b) to confirm the remaining existing terms of reference of committees and sub-committees.


Officer Scheme of Delegation pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Report of the Monitoring Officer (CC9).


At its Annual Meeting, Council is required to agree the officer scheme of delegation within the Council's Constitution. The scheme of officer delegation is contained in Part 7.3 of the Council’s Constitution.  The Scheme of Delegation itself, gives delegated authority to the Chief Executive, directors and other chief officers whose titles and/or areas of responsibility are set out in Part 2, Article 11 of the Constitution.  


The Scheme of Delegation itself is unchanged. However, the areas of responsibility and post titles contained in Part 2, Article 11 are in need of update following recent changes and the reallocation of some responsibilities. 


Council is RECOMMENDED to note the amendments to Article 11 of the Constitution identified in paragraphs 4 & 5 above and to approve the scheme of Officer Delegation contained in Part 7.3 of the Council’s Constitution.


The Council had before them a report by the Monitoring Officer (CC9) which set out proposed changes to the Council’s Officer Scheme of Delegation set out in the Constitution.


RESOLVED: (on a motion by Councillor Seale, seconded by Councillor Hallchurch and carried nem con) to note the amendments to Article 11 of the Constitution identified in paragraphs 4 & 5 of the report and to approve the scheme of Officer Delegation contained in Part 7.3 of the Council’s Constitution.


Report of the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Report of the Cabinet Meeting on 17 April 2012 (CC10 ).


The Council noted the report of the Cabinet Meeting on 17 April 2012 (CC10).


Standards Committee - Annual Report 2011/12 pdf icon PDF 215 KB

Report by the Chairman of the Standards Committee (CC11).


This report from the independent chairman of the Standards Committee summarises the Committee’s work over the past year in maintaining the current standards arrangements and in supporting the Council’s transition to new arrangements under the Localism Act 2011. This is the Committee’s final annual report.  


The Council is RECOMMENDED to receive the report.


The Council had before them the Annual report 2011/12 of the Standards Committee (CC11).


The Chairman sought agreement from Council to allow the Independent Chairman of the Standards Committee to introduce her report.  The Council Agreed (nem con) accordingly.


Following the Chairman’s presentation, the Council thanked Mrs Griffiths for her work on the Standards Committee and presented her with some flowers.


RESOLVED: (nem con) to receive the report.


Members Code of Conduct and Complaints Procedure pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Report by the County Solicitor & Monitoring Officer (CC12).


Under the Localism Act 2011, the current members’ code of conduct will cease on 1 July 2012. At its meeting on 20 March 2012, the Council made some decisions as to the shape of future arrangements including the cessation of the Council’s Standards Committee. The Council now needs formally to adopt a new code of conduct to apply from 1 July 2012 and to approve of local procedure for considering complaints against members made under any new code.  The report includes drafts of a potential code and local procedure for Council’s consideration.


The Council is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)        approve and adopt the Members’ Code of Conduct at Annex 1 of this report, to take effect from 1 July 2012 on the repeal of the present Code and standards arrangements;

(b)        require the Monitoring Officer to make any consequential amendments to the approved Code on the publication by the Secretary of State of Regulations relating to the registration and declaration of interests;

(c)         approve the complaints resolution procedures outlined at Annex 2 of this report as the means of resolving allegations that members have not complied with the Code.

Additional documents:


The Council had before them a report by the County Solicitor & Monitoring Officer (CC12) which set out a Code of Conduct and complaint resolution procedure for Council’s consideration.




(a)         approve and adopt the Members’ Code of Conduct at Annex 1 to the report, to take effect from 1 July 2012 on the repeal of the present Code and standards arrangements;

(b)         require the Monitoring Officer to make any consequential amendments to the approved Code on the publication by the Secretary of State of Regulations relating to the registration and declaration of interests;

(c)         approve the complaints resolution procedures outlined at Annex 2 to the report as the means of resolving allegations that members have not complied with the Code.