Issue - meetings

Alteration of Age Range and Establishment of Sixth Form at The Warriner School, Bloxham

Meeting: 17/07/2012 - Cabinet (Item 91)

91 Alteration of Age Range and Establishment of Sixth Form at The Warriner School, Bloxham pdf icon PDF 113 KB

Cabinet Member: Education

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/055

Contact: Diane Cameron, School Organisation Officer Tel: (01865) 816445


Report by Director for Children’s Services (CA13).


This report follows a statutory notice period relating to the governing body’s proposal to extend the age range of the school from its current 11-16 status to include post-16 students by establishing a Sixth Form.


The governors propose to establish a Sixth Form at The Warriner School and increase the number of sixth form student numbers slowly in order that existing staff may be trained or experienced staff recruited.


In September 2012 some post-16 students on roll at OCVC will be attending The Warriner School to study joint-hosted courses. From 2013 the proposal is that these students and others will be moved on to roll at The Warriner.??


Funding for additional accommodation is available from S106 contributions, already received, from nearby housing development.


A final decision is now required on whether to approve the proposal.???


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to approve the extension of the age range at The Warriner School, Bloxham to include post-16 provision, and to agree the Stage 1 (Outline Business Case) project delivery budget of £32K to enable the capital project to proceed to Full Business Case.

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered a report seeking approval to the extension of the age range at The Warriner School, Bloxham to include post-16 provision, and agreed the Stage 1 (Outline Business Case) project delivery budget of £32K to enable the capital project to proceed to Full Business Case.


Dr Annabel Kay, Head teacher at Warriner School spoke in support of the proposal.


RESOLVED:             to approve the extension of the age range at The Warriner School, Bloxham to include post-16 provision, and to agree the Stage 1 (Outline Business Case) project delivery budget of £32K to enable the capital project to proceed to Full Business Case.

N.B. As set out under Rule 17(a) of the Scrutiny Procedure Rules, this decision was exempt from Call-In as it was deemed urgent and any delay would have seriously prejudiced the Council’s interests, in that the Cabinet’s role would be negated by referral to the Schools’ Adjudicator if the decision was not taken within two months of the end of the Statutory Notice, in this case being 30 May 2012.