Issue - meetings

Garsington Lower Farm Bus Stop

Meeting: 22/03/2012 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport (Item 14)

14 Garsington Lower Farm Bus Stop pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/031

Contact: David Taylor, Public Transport Development Manager Tel: (01865) 816519

11.05 am


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy – Highways & Transport (CMDT6).





The Cabinet Member for Transport considered issues regarding the installation of the Lower farm bus stop on the B480 at Garsington following objections.


Roger Buswell considered that the bus stop should be relocated adjacent to the new development, which had provided S106 money for its installation. That would place it nearer to the village making it more convenient for passengers and residents and safer for other road users.


Robert Surman advised that some residents had not been consulted on the proposed siting. He considered the present location dangerous and referred to other safer and more convenient options.


Richard Surman endorsed comments regarding unsatisfactory consultation and felt that if all relevant information had been available this site would not have been chosen.  It was in the wrong place for a number of reasons not least of which were convenience for users and safety.


Councillor David Turner advised that this situation had arisen as a direct result of changes made to the bus services by Thames Travel.  He had been unable to attend the site visit but was aware of complaints that not all interested parties had been involved and suggested that in future and for similar proposals landowners and not just frontagers should be advised.  He understood Thames Travel were unwilling to reconsider re-routeing their service and in view of local concerns further consideration should be given.


Mr Taylor advised that the proposal had merely responded to a request to provide a bus stop following changes to the routeing of local bus services and the Lower Farm site had been chosen on grounds of safety and public safety.


The Cabinet Member for Transport recognised that there were obvious concerns locally and having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above he confirmed his decision as follows:


To authorise the Deputy Director for Environment & Economy – Highways & Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and the Local Member to reconsider the establishment of bus stops in Garsington following further on site investigation and consultation.