Issue - meetings

Village Hall and Community Centre Grants 2012/13

Meeting: 03/09/2012 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Safer & Stronger Communities (Item 7)

7 Village Hall and Community Centre Grants 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 50 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/011

Contact: Karen Warren, Cultural Services Manager, Tel: (01865) 323580


Report by Head of Law & Culture (CMDSSC5).


The County Council’s grant scheme for the improvement of village halls and other community buildings is administered by the Oxfordshire Rural Community Council (ORCC). This report summarises the applications received and recommends allocations from the grant fund for 2012/13.


The Cabinet member for Safer and Stronger Communities is RECOMMENDED to:


a)  approve the grants proposed in Annex 2 to this report; and


b)  agree that the allocation of the balance of £23,737 from 2012/13 be deferred to the Delegated Decision meeting for the Cabinet member for Safer and Stronger Communities on 21 January 2013.





Additional documents:


(a)               approve the rents proposed in Annex 2 to this report;

(b)               agree that the allocation of the balance of £23,737 from 2012/13 be deferred to the Delegated Decision meeting for the Cabinet member for Safer & Stronger Communities on 21 January 2013 and

(c)               thank the officers and, in particular, Lynne Newin (Oxfordshire Rural Community Council) for all their hard work with the scheme.