Issue - meetings

Oxford, Summertown CPZ - Minor Amendments

Meeting: 03/09/2009 - Transport Decisions Committee (Item 13)

13 Oxford, Summertown CPZ - Minor Amendments pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2009/112

Contact: David Tole, Team Leader, Traffic Regulations Orders (01865 815942)

10:00 am


Report by Head of Transport (TDC5).


In response to requests from local residents, councillors, and businesses the report considers amendments to parking arrangements in a number of streets in and around Summertown CPZ.


The Committee is RECOMMENDEDto approve the proposed changes to the Summertown CPZ and Disabled Persons Parking Places Order as advertised in the Oxfordshire County Council (Summertown) (Controlled Parking Zone and Various Restrictions) (Variation No 7*) Order 200*, and the Oxfordshire County Council (Disabled Persons Parking Places - Oxford (Amendment No 7*) Order 200* and described in the report TCD5.



The Committee considered (TD5) amendments to parking arrangements in a number of streets in and around Summertown CPZ in the light of comments received to a consultation to vary the Traffic regulation Orders for the Summertown Controlled parking Zone and Disabled Persons Parking Places Order.


With regard  to alternative arrangements for residents of Dorchester Court and Marston Ferry Road Councillor Jean Fooks (Local Member) who had been unable to attend this meeting had commented as follows.  She considered that spaces should be available for a 24 hour period as many residents would not find it easy or convenient to have to move their cars before 0800 or whenever the daytime tariff started.  She could foresee problems if this arrangement was available to all Summertown permit holders and felt that it should be limited to only those residents of Dorchester Court and Marston Ferry Road.  She supported the remaining changes.


Mr Tole confirmed that the Area Committee would be considering the request for Summertown CPZ permit holders to use Ferry Pool Road public car park and that he would be discussing the detail of that arrangement with City officials.


Councillor Hudspeth stressed the need for careful monitoring and supported  review of any alternative parking arrangement after 12 months.




(a)       subject to finalising parking arrangements with the City Council for the use by Summertown CPZ permit holders of the car park off Ferry Pool Road the Head of Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport Implementation and the Cabinet Member for Growth & Infrastructure be authorised to approve the proposed changes to the Summertown CPZ and Disabled Persons Parking Places Order as advertised in the Oxfordshire County Council (Summertown) (Controlled Parking Zone and Various Restrictions) (Variation No 7*) Order 200*, and the Oxfordshire County Council (Disabled Persons Parking Places) Oxford (Amendment No 7*) Order 200* and described in the report TCD5;


(b)       in the event that these alternative arrangements were not agreed with the City Council the matter affecting the parking arrangements for residents of Dorchester Court be referred back to the Transport Decisions Committee for further consideration.