Issue - meetings

Beech Croft Road, Oxford - Traffic Calming Measures

Meeting: 25/03/2010 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport (Item 3)

3 Beech Croft Road, Oxford - Traffic Calming Scheme pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Forward Plan Ref: 2010/016

Contact: Anthony Kirkwood, Assistant Principal Engineer (01865 815704)

11:00 am


Report by Head of Transport (TDC6)



Mr Whittington expressed concern regarding the potential for this scheme to lead to increased traffic levels on Moreton Road and asked for installation of some mitigation measures.


Councillor Fooks considered this an innovative scheme designed to meet the concerns of Beechcroft Road residents regarding speed of traffic and a desire for some environmental improvements. However, care would be needed to mitigate against intrusive street markings and possible effects on neighbouring roads such as Moreton Road.


Mr Kirkwood confirmed that a 5% increase in traffic had been predicted on Moreton Road and that some resources could be available to provide some speed alleviation work, if found to be necessary, as part of measures to support 20 mph zones.



(a)                     approve implementation of the scheme and authorise the Head of Transport, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, to discuss with the Beechcroft Road Residents Association any amendments to the current proposals to address concerns raised in the consultation prior to  implementation of the scheme with the proviso that the financial contribution from the County Council towards the scheme should not exceed the amount stated in the Beechcroft Road Residents Association’s budget;


(b)                     authorise the Head of Transport, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, to monitor the scheme (including an assessment of any transfer of traffic onto neighbouring residential roads) and, in the light of such monitoring to add, amend or remove traffic calming features as might be judged necessary.