22 Delegated Powers Report for October to December 2024 PDF 246 KB
Forward Plan Ref: 2025/010
Contact: Colm Ó Caomhánaigh, Democratic Services Manager
Report by Director of Law and Governance
Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to note the executive decisions taken under delegated powers, set out in paragraph 4.
Recommendations approved.
Under the Scheme of Delegation in the Council’s Constitution (Part 7.2, paragraph 6.3 (c)(i)), the Chief Executive was authorised to undertake an executive function on behalf of the Cabinet. Cabinet received a quarterly report on the use of this delegated power in relation to such executive decisions; that is, decisions that might otherwise have been taken by Cabinet.
Cabinet had before it a report referring to executive decisions taken during the period October to December 2024 inclusive.
Councillor Liz Leffman, Leader of the Council, presented the report.
Councillor Leffman moved, and Councillor Sudbury seconded the recommendation and it was approved.
RESOLVED to note the executive decisions taken under delegated powers, set out in paragraph 4 of the report.