19 Affiliation between Oxfordshire County Council and HMS Diamond PDF 219 KB
Forward Plan Ref: 2024/371
Contact:Tannah Collier, Policy Officer,
Report by Chief Executive (CA15)
The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to agree to forming an affiliation between Oxfordshire and His Majesty’s Ship (HMS) ‘Diamond’
Recommendations approved.
Cabinet had before it a report regarding an approach by the Royal Navy to propose an affiliation between Oxfordshire and His Majesty’s Ship (HMS) Diamond. The proposed affiliation aimed to strengthen the bond and support between the Royal Navy and the local community in Oxfordshire by raising awareness of the Royal Navy and specifically of HMS Diamond. . Affiliations with took many forms, but all aimed to provide mutual benefit. If the affiliation was pursued, a Memorandum of Understanding would be developed to outline the affiliation's intentions and commitments. Oxfordshire had a large armed forces community, and the council has a strong reputation for supporting the military and veteran communities in Oxfordshire. Therefore, it was recommended to build on this reputation by demonstrating support for the military beyond Oxfordshire’s borders through the affiliation with HMS Diamond.
Councillor Liz Leffman, Leader of the Council, presented the report.
Councillor Leffman moved, and Councillor Roberts seconded the recommendation and it was approved.
RESOLVED to agree to forming an affiliation between Oxfordshire and His Majesty’s Ship (HMS) ‘Diamond’.