Issue - meetings

Response to Motion by Councillor Reeves on Winter Fuel Payments

Meeting: 21/01/2025 - Cabinet (Item 12)

12 Response to Motion by Councillor Reeves on Winter Fuel Payments pdf icon PDF 231 KB

Cabinet Member: Finance

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/356

Contact: Paul Wilding, Cost of Living Programme Manager (


Report by Executive Director of Resources and Section 151 Officer (CA8).


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to note that the actions set out in this report respond to the motion relating to Winter Fuel Payments approved by Council in November 2024, the wording of which is set out in Annex One



Recommendations approved


Cabinet had before it a report recommending a response to the motion agreed at Council on 5 November 2024, on the subject of recent changes to Winter Fuel Payments (WFP). The motion sought to ensure that the Council supported low income pensioners who were losing their WFP, and that this support was communicated both to them and those who support them such as family and friends.

Councillor Dr Nathan Ley, Cabinet Member for Public Health, Inequalities and Community Safety, presented the report. He explained that the council had implemented several measures to support low-income pensioners. The Resident Support Scheme provided crisis payments for various needs, including broken appliances, in partnership with Age UK and other organizations. A communications campaign targeted low-income pensioners to raise awareness about available support. The cost of living programme includes funding for energy vouchers, practical support with energy efficiency, and small community organization grants. The Low Income Family Tracker dashboard helped run awareness campaigns for pension credit and identified those who might benefit from other support. A £90,000 contingency fund is set aside for expenditure on pensioners.


The council worked closely with district councils, NHS, and civic groups to promote available support and address fuel poverty among low-income pensioners.


During discussion, the following points were made:-

·       A member commended the work of district councils and organizations like Citizens Advice in providing assistance to those affected by the withdrawal of winter fuel payments.

  • The importance of the partnership with district councils in addressing the cost-of-living crisis

Councillor Ley moved and Councillor Roberts seconded the recommendation and it was approved.

RESOLVED to note that the actions set out in this report to respond to the motion relating to Winter Fuel Payments approved by Council in November 2024, the wording of which is set out in Annex One