16 Funding contribution towards a jointly commissioned Mental Health Contract 2025-2035 PDF 681 KB
Cabinet Member: Adult Social Care
Forward Plan Ref: 2024/334
Contact: Samia Shibli, Commissioning Manager -Live Well
Report by Director of Adult Social Care (CA12)
Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:
a) Approve the direct award of a new mental health contract between Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (“BOB ICB”) and Oxford Health (NHS) Foundation Trust funded under the pooled fund arrangements of the S 75 Agreement (as defined at paragraph 30 below).
b) Agree the Council’s funding contribution under the S 75 Agreement to BOB ICB for mental health services under the new mental health contract to be entered by BOB ICB for the lifetime of the contract.
c) Delegate responsibility to the Director of Adult Social Services (DASS) in consultation with the Executive Member for Adult Social Care for oversight of the approval process as it progresses towards final sign off (by the contracting authority).
Recommendations approved.
Cabinet had before it a report on proposals for a new mental health contract which would bring together several existing mental health contracts in one place for Oxfordshire residents aged 18+ years whose mental health fell into primary, core or enhanced need in the new framework for defining mental health need. These services aimed to ensure adults with poor mental health and serious mental illness received specialist support as part of their recovery, were supported to achieve good outcomes and could live in communities with support. Bringing these elements together into a single contract would simplify the management processes and reduce bureaucracy, creating greater flexibility and clearer oversight through a Performance and Assurance Oversight Board.
In the absence of the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Councillor Liz Leffman, Leader of the Council, presented the report.
The Director of Adult Social Services and the Commissioning Manager (Improve Enable) explained the background to the new contract and referred to the importance of the collaborative approach between the NHS and Social Services in its development. The report emphasised the need for a comprehensive approach to mental health, including prevention, early intervention, and treatment. They highlighted the focus on recovery and integration into the community and the inclusion of various sub-contracts in the new proposals.
During discussion, members referred to the challenges faced in providing mental health services, including funding constraints and the need for collaboration with various stakeholders. Members acknowledged the efforts made by the public health team and other partners in addressing mental health issues. They commented on the importance of raising awareness about mental health and reducing the stigma associated with it. There was agreement on the need for continuous monitoring and evaluation of the mental health services to ensure their effectiveness.
Councillor Leffman moved, and Councillor Gregory seconded the recommendations and they were approved.
a) Approve the direct award of a new mental health contract between Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (“BOB ICB”) and Oxford Health (NHS) Foundation Trust funded under the pooled fund arrangements of the S 75 Agreement (as defined at paragraph 30 below).
b) Agree the Council’s funding contribution under the S 75 Agreement to BOB ICB for mental health services under the new mental health contract to be entered by BOB ICB for the lifetime of the contract.
c) Delegate responsibility to the Director of Adult Social Services (DASS) in consultation with the Executive Member for Adult Social Care for oversight of the approval process as it progresses towards final sign off (by the contracting authority).