Issue - meetings

Cost of Living Programme for Autumn/Winter 2024/25

Meeting: 19/11/2024 - Cabinet (Item 148)

148 Outline allocation of cost of living and associated community wealth building funding for October to March 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 467 KB

Cabinet Member: Public Health, Inequalities and Community Safety

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/291

Contact: Paul Wilding, Programme Manager – Cost of Living (


Report by Executive Director of Resources and Section 151 Officer (CA9).


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to

a) note the cost-of-living support measures delivered during the first half of 2024/25, as summarised in table 2;

b) agree to the support package for the second half of 2024/25, as summarised in table 2;


c) delegate authority to the Director of Public Affairs, Policy & Partnerships in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Public Health, Inequalities and Community Safety, to amend the programme during the year in response to changing and emerging need, within the overall programme budget




Recommendations approved.


Cabinet had before it a report which set out the intended approach to support those residents who are most negatively impacted by cost-of-living pressures over the remainder of the current financial year. This followed the government announcement of an extension to the Household Support Fund from 1 October 2024 to 31 March 2025. The report also provided the latest position on the impact of the cost of living, as well as providing a summary of Cost-of-Living expenditure for the first half of the year.


Councillor Dr Nathan Ley, Cabinet Member for Public Health, Inequalities and Community Safety, presented the report.  He emphasised the importance of community wealth building as a strategy to create sustainable economic growth and resilience within local communities. The proposed allocation of funds was explained, with specific amounts earmarked for various initiatives aimed at alleviating the cost-of-living pressures. Key areas of funding included support for low-income households, food security programs, and initiatives to reduce energy costs for vulnerable residents.

During discussion, members made the following points:-


* the importance of community wealth building and the need to invest in local businesses and social enterprises. The potential long-term benefits of the initiatives, including job creation, increased local economic activity, and improved social cohesion were highlighted.

* Some members raised concerns about the adequacy of the proposed funding and whether it would be sufficient to meet the needs of all residents.

  • There was also discussion about the need for effective monitoring and evaluation of the funded initiatives to ensure they delivered the intended outcomes.
  • Some reservations were expressed about certain aspects of the allocation, particularly the distribution of funds and the criteria for selecting beneficiaries.

Councillor Ley moved and Councillor Sudbury seconded the recommendations, and they were approved.


a)    note the cost-of-living support measures delivered during the first half of 2024/25, as summarised in table 2;


b) agree to the support package for the second half of 2024/25, as summarised in table 2;


c) delegate authority to the Director of Public Affairs, Policy & Partnerships in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Public Health, Inequalities and Community Safety, to amend the programme during the year in response to changing and emerging need, within the overall programme budget