152 Local Enterprise Partnership Integration - Phase 2 PDF 311 KB
Cabinet Member: Leader, Infrastructure & Development Strategy
Forward Plan Ref: 2024/278
Contact Officer: Chloe Taylor, Head of Economy
Report by Director of Economy and Place (CA13).
The Cabinet is RECOMMEMDED to
1. Note that the county council is now responsible for economic development functions previously the responsibility of the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP), including strategic economic planning.
2. Agree to retain the existing council owned company OxLEP, for the delivery of some of these economic functions as set out in a revised contract and based on the business case attached at Annex A.
3. Agree to establish a Shareholder Committee as a committee of Cabinet with Terms of Reference as set out in Annex B and, with the assumption that this is first agreed by Cabinet, that the Shareholder Committee will meet within one month of this Cabinet meeting.
4. Recommend to the to be established Shareholder Committee that they then make changes to the Articles of Association as attached at Annex C and change the trading name of the company to Enterprise Oxfordshire.
5. Agree to the Shareholder Committee immediately appointing the company directors and make any appointments that are required from time to time in accordance with revised Articles of Association.
6. Agree that the Cabinet will be responsible for developing a new Strategic Economic Plan, in consultation with other partners, founded on the strategic priorities of the council.
7. Agree to the Shareholder Committee tasking the company directors to oversee the development of a business plan and budget for 2025/26 and future years for sign off from the Shareholder Committee, in line with the economic priorities set out by Cabinet.
8. Agree to establish an Oxfordshire Economic Partnership Board to support the Cabinet in the discharge of its economic development functions.
9. Delegate authority to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Executive Director of Resources and the Director of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer to agree and conclude the details of amendments to the contract with OxLEP Ltd including the revisions in recommendation 2 above, the extension of the contract to 31 March 2026 and confirmation of arrangements regarding the delivery of the Skills Bootcamps initiative.
Additional documents:
Recommendations approved with the following amendment:
3 Agree to establish a Shareholder Committee as a committee of Cabinet, comprising all members of the Cabinet, with Terms of Reference as set out in Annex B and, with the assumption that this is first agreed by Cabinet, that the Shareholder Committee will meet within one month of this Cabinet meeting.
(Councillor Sudbury, Deputy Chair, in the Chair for this item)
Cabinet had before it a report providing an update following the integration of functions previously exercised by the Local Enterprise Partnership into the council on 1 April 2024.
Councillor Roberts, Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Development Strategy, presented the report.
During discussion, members made the following points:-
· The discussion focused on the continued engagement and operation of the company and its future directors.
· The integration of the LEP was seen as crucial for the ongoing development and support of local enterprises.
· Members discussed the financial implications of the proposals and the strategic importance of the LRP integration for the local economy.
· Members emphasised the need for a seamless transition to ensure that the LEP continues to function effectively and support local businesses.
· The importance of maintaining transparency and accountability throughout the integration process.
· Members discussed various measures to ensure that the integration aligns with the council's broader economic development goals. The discussion concluded with a consensus on the importance of the LEP integration and the need for careful planning and execution to achieve the desired outcomes
Councillor Roberts moved and Councillor Gant seconded the recommendations, and they were approved.
RESOLVED, 7 voting in favour and 1 against, to:-
a) Note that the county council is now responsible for economic development functions previously the responsibility of the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP), including strategic economic planning.
b) Agree to retain the existing council owned company OxLEP, for the delivery of some of these economic functions as set out in a revised contract and based on the business case attached at Annex A.
c) Agree to establish a Shareholder Committee as a committee of Cabinet, comprising all members of the Cabinet, with Terms of Reference as set out in Annex B and, with the assumption that this is first agreed by Cabinet, that the Shareholder Committee will meet within one month of this Cabinet meeting.
d) Recommend to the to be established Shareholder Committee that they then make changes to the Articles of Association as attached at Annex C and change the trading name of the company to Enterprise Oxfordshire.
e) Agree to the Shareholder Committee immediately appointing the company directors and make any appointments that are required from time to time in accordance with revised Articles of Association.
f) Agree that the Cabinet will be responsible for developing a new Strategic Economic Plan, in consultation with other partners, founded on the strategic priorities of the council.
g) Agree to the Shareholder Committee tasking the company directors to oversee the development of a business plan and budget for 2025/26 and future years for sign off from the Shareholder Committee, in line with the economic priorities set out by Cabinet.
h) Agree to establish an Oxfordshire Economic Partnership Board to support the Cabinet in the discharge of its economic development functions.
i) Delegate authority to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Executive Director of Resources and the Director of Law and Governance ... view the full minutes text for item 152