21 Capital Approvals Report - January 2025 PDF 212 KB
Forward Plan Ref: 2024/225
Contact: Natalie Crawford, Capital Programme Manager
Report by Executive Director of Resources and Section 151 Officer (CA17)
The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:
a) approve the inclusion of ‘The Greenwood Centre’, an 11-bed accommodation block for 16–17-year-olds in need of supported accommodation, into the Capital Programme at an indicative cost of £1.932m, to be funded from £6.000m agreed by Council in February 2024 for additional Children’s Homes.
b) approve a budget increase of £6.39m for ‘Great Western Park Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) School’, to be funded from the High Needs Grant.
c) approve a budget increase of £1.500m to the Energy Saving Measures Programme, to be addressed through the annual Budget and Business Planning process and approval by Council in February 2025.
d) approve a budget increase of £11.516m to the Didcot to Culham River Crossing, part of the Housing Infrastructure 1 (HIF1) programme, to be funded through additional funds granted by Homes England and agreed by Cabinet in July 2024.
e) approve a budget increase of £12.537m to Didcot Science Bridge, part of the Housing Infrastructure 1 (HIF1) programme to be funded through additional funds granted by Homes England and agreed by Cabinet in July 2024.
f) approve a budget increase of £11.916m to the Clifton Hampden Bypass project, part of the Housing Infrastructure 1 (HIF1) programme to be funded through additional funds granted by Homes England and agreed by Cabinet in July 2024.
Recommendations approved.
The Capital Programme was approved by Council in February 2024 and updated during the year through the capital programme and monitoring reports. Cabinet had before it a report which set out change requests requiring Cabinet approval that will be incorporated into the agreed programme and included in the next update to the Capital Programme in March 2025.
Councillor Dan Levy, Cabinet Member for Finance, presented the report and explained the background to the changes to the capital programme and new schemes requiring approval.
Councillor Levy moved and Councillor Sudbury seconded the recommendations, and they were approved.
a) approve the inclusion of ‘The Greenwood Centre’, an 11-bed accommodation block for 16–17-year-olds in need of supported accommodation, into the Capital Programme at an indicative cost of £1.932m, to be funded from £6.000m agreed by Council in February 2024 for additional Children’s Homes.
b) approve a budget increase of £6.39m for ‘Great Western Park Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) School’, to be funded from the High Needs Grant.
c) approve a budget increase of £1.500m to the Energy Saving Measures Programme, to be addressed through the annual Budget and Business Planning process and approval by Council in February 2025.
d) approve a budget increase of £11.516m to the Didcot to Culham River Crossing, part of the Housing Infrastructure 1 (HIF1) programme, to be funded through additional funds granted by Homes England and agreed by Cabinet in July 2024.
e) approve a budget increase of £12.537m to Didcot Science Bridge, part of the Housing Infrastructure 1 (HIF1) programme to be funded through additional funds granted by Homes England and agreed by Cabinet in July 2024.
f) approve a budget increase of £11.916m to the Clifton Hampden Bypass project, part of the Housing Infrastructure 1 (HIF1) programme to be funded through additional funds granted by Homes England and agreed by Cabinet in July 2024.