Issue - meetings

Supported Transport Fleet (x71 Vehicles)

Meeting: 12/07/2024 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Finance (Item 4.)

4. Supported Transport Fleet (x71 Vehicles) pdf icon PDF 223 KB

Cabinet Member: Finance

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/208

Contact: Chris Douglas, One Fleet Senior Programme Manager (


Report by Executive Director for Resources and Section 151 Officer (CMDF4).


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)                Endorse the approach and proposals to provide Supported Transport with new leases for 71 vehicles engaged in home to school transport for children with special educational needs


(b)               Authorise Officers to prepare and commence the procurement of the leases for those 71 vehicles.


(c)                Approve delegated authority to the Director of Property and Assets, to award, following a compliant procurement process, of 71 new leases for Supported Transport accessible minibuses, providing essential home to school transport for children with special educational needs.