172 Bloxham: 20 Mph Speed Limit Scheme Review PDF 615 KB
Cabinet Member: Transport Management
Forward Plan Ref: 2024/078
Contact: Anthony Kirkwood, Vision Zero Team Leader (Anthony.Kirkwood@oxfordshire.gov.uk)
Report by Director of Environment and Highways (CMDTMT20)
The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:
Approve the following speed limits, as advertised:
a) 20mph speed limit on Bloxham Grove Road,
b) 30mph speed limit on Ells Lane.
The Chair introduced the item to the meeting.
The Chair noted support from the local Parish and District Councils.
The Chair thanked officers and agreed to the recommendations in the report.
Approve the following speed limits, as advertised:
a) 20mph speed limit on Bloxham Grove Road,
b) 30mph speed limit on Ells Lane.