Issue - meetings

Workforce Report and Staffing Data - Quarter 1 - April - July 2021

Meeting: 21/09/2021 - Cabinet (Item 86)

86 Workforce Report and Staffing Data - Quarter 1 - April - July 2021 pdf icon PDF 388 KB

Cabinet Member: Corporate Services

Forward Plan Ref: 2021/049

Contact: Sarah Currell, HR Manager – Business Systems Tel: 07867 467793


Report by Corporate Director Customers, Organisational Development & Resources (CA7).


Quarterly staffing report providing details of key people numbers and analysis of main changes since the previous report.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to note the report.

Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed.



Cabinet had before it for noting the quarterly staffing report providing details of key people numbers and analysis of the main changes since the previous report.


Councillor Glynis Phillips, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, introduced the report.  While many staff continued to work primarily from home following government advice, Councillor Phillips wished to recognise that teachers, teaching assistants, catering staff, social care staff and many others continue to support residents in very challenging circumstances.


The report updated on progress with Mentoring and the Reverse Mentoring Programme: Mentoring for Diversity.  There will be a review in October and the intention was to roll out a further programme into 2022.  A new position of Apprenticeships Manager was recruited on 1 July and increases in the number of enrolments was expected. 


Councillor Phillips also pointed to the Lone Worker Mobile Technology as a good example of how technology helps to keep staff safer.


The Chair expressed the thanks of Council to all the staff who had worked through difficult circumstances for the previous 18 months and continue to provide services to residents.


Councillor Calum Miller noted the decrease in spend on agency staff and hoped that this trend would continue.


Councillor Duncan Enright noted the use of exit questionnaires and asked if an entry questionnaire might be considered to find out why people join the Council workforce.  Councillor Phillips responded that she would raise that with HR.


RESOLVED to note the report.