Issue - meetings

Audit Committee Annual Report to Council 2017

Meeting: 15/05/2018 - County Council (Item 214)

214 Audit and Governance Committee Annual Report to Council 2017 pdf icon PDF 488 KB

Report by the Chairman of the Audit & Governance Committee (CC13).


The Annual Report sets out the role of the Audit & Governance Committee and summarises the work that has been undertaken both as a Committee and through the support of the Audit Working Group in 2017/18.


Council is RECOMMENDED to receive the report.


Agreed nem con.


The Council had before them the Audit & Governance Annual Report (CC13) which set out the role of the Audit & Governance Committee and summarised the work that had been undertaken both as a Committee and through the support of the Audit Working Group in 2017/18.


Councillor Carter moved and Councillor Ilott seconded that Council receive the Annual report of the Audit & Governance Committee.  In moving the motion, Councillor Carter paid tribute to the Independent Chairman of the Audit Working Group, Dr Geoff Jones for all his work.


Following debate, the motion was put to the vote and was carried nem con.


RESOLVED:  (nem con) to receive the report.

Meeting: 25/04/2018 - Audit & Governance Committee (Item 30)

30 Audit and Governance Committee Annual Report to Council 2017 pdf icon PDF 488 KB



Report by the Chairman of the Audit & Governance Committee to be presented to The Council.


The Annual Report sets out the role of the Audit & Governance Committee and summarises the work that has been undertaken both as a Committee and through the support of the Audit Working Group in 2017/18.


The Committee is RECOMMENDED to consider the Annual Report and suggest any additions or amendments.


It was agreed to add some Key Achievements in the text of the annual report.  Recommendations agreed.



It was agreed to add some key achievements in the text of the annual report in order to give examples of positive outcomes.  Councillor Mathew disagreed and stated that the Committee should think carefully before praising itself.  Ms Cox undertook to circulate suggested amendments to Members within a few days.


RESOLVED: to add some key achievements in the text of the annual report and then forward to Council for its consideration.