Issue - meetings

Proposals on the Future of Subsidised Bus Services

Meeting: 15/03/2016 - Cabinet (Item 27)

27 Proposals on the Future of Subsidised Bus Services pdf icon PDF 122 KB

Cabinet Member: Environment

Forward Plan Ref: 2016/026

Contact: Alexandra Bailey, Service Manager – Business Development Tel: 07768 027257


Report by Director for Environment & Economy (CA8).


This report refers to bus usage data and seeks approval to seek comments from members of the public in relation to that data.


Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)  note the availability of the usage data attached as Annex 3.


(b)  note the limits of the data and that it does not impact upon the methodology or the decision made by Cabinet.


(c)  agree to publish the usage data and seek comments from members of the public from 16 March 2016 to 14 April 2016.


(d)  receive a further report in May to review the responses from the public on the usage data.  

Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed.


Cabinet considered a report that referred to bus usage data and that sought  approval to seek comments from members of the public in relation to that data.


Councillor Jean Fooks, local councillor for Wolvercote & Summertown commented that it was a good idea to have full data although she noted that officers considered it would make no difference. She added that it was not only in rural areas that were in difficulty and highlighted that the loss of service from Cutteslowe to Summertown/Woodcote was causing extreme concern. The amount of money saved was small compared to the huge impact it would have on people.


Councillor Anne Purse, local councillor for Wheatley whist understanding the need for the information to be published felt that the situation was regrettable and would be another reason for people to feel that it was not a fair consultation. When looking at the future she hoped that consideration could be given to areas that did not have clear population centres that had made it difficult historically for Parish Councils to put funding in. She gave as an example Forest Hill.


Councillor Hudspeth responding to comments stressed that all consultations were taken seriously. However given the savings to be made there had been difficult decisions that had had to be taken. Councillor Hudspeth acknowledged the point made about split villages that was well made and had been noted.


Councillor Nimmo Smith moved the recommendations.


Responding to a question on the purpose behind the publication of the additional data, Nick Graham, Chief Legal Officer advised that it was important to have transparency and that it was therefore important that members of the public had the opportunity to look at the information.


RESOLVED:             to:



(a)  note the availability of the usage data attached as Annex 3;


(b)  note the limits of the data and that it does not impact upon the methodology or the decision made by Cabinet;


(c)  agree to publish the usage data and seek comments from members of the public from 16 March 2016 to 14 April 2016; and


(d)  receive a further report in May to review the responses from the public on the usage data.