Issue - meetings

Street Lighting Contract and Interim Policy

Meeting: 19/04/2016 - Cabinet (Item 34)

34 Street Lighting Contract and Interim Policy pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Cabinet Member: Environment

Forward Plan Ref: 2016/025

Contact: Dariusz Seroczynski, Highways Network Manager Tel: (01865) 815629


Report by Director for Environment & Economy (CA8).


This report sets out a proposed emergency interim arrangement for the Street Lighting Service (Maintenance) as the result of early termination of the existing contract at a break point within the contract.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)       approve the proposed policy change and contracted level of service in relation to the street lighting maintenance service; and


(b)       note the proposed use of the short term call off from the Crown Commercial Service Contract.

Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed.


Cabinet had before them a report that set out a proposed emergency interim arrangement for the Street Lighting Service (Maintenance) as the result of early termination of the existing contract at a break point within the contract.


Councillor Curran acknowledged that the County Council had been placed in a difficult position as a result of the contractor’s decision. He raised concerns around safety and the perception of safety if areas were unlit. Illuminated speed limit signs could not be enforced if not lit. The interim arrangements were for a period of 18 months but he hoped it would be possible to move more quickly than that to a permanent solution. Councillor Nimmo Smith responding to a further question from Councillor Curran indicated that it was not possible to simply replace broken lamps with LED bulbs. With regard to the interim arrangements they were for 12 months with an option for a further 6 months.


RESOLVED:             to:


(a)        approve the proposed policy change and contracted level of service in relation to the street lighting maintenance service; and


(b)        note the proposed use of the short term call off from the Crown Commercial Service Contract.