Issue - meetings

Business Management & Monitoring Report for Quarter 4 - 2015/16

Meeting: 19/07/2016 - Cabinet (Item 68)

68 Business Management & Monitoring Report for Quarter 4 - 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 703 KB

Cabinet Member: Deputy Leader

Forward Plan Ref: 2016/020

Contact: Ian Dyson, Chief Internal Auditor Tel: (01865) 323875


Report by Assistant Finance Office (Assurance) (CA14).


This paper provides details of performance for quarter four (2015-16) for the Cabinet to consider. The report is required so that the Cabinet can monitor the performance of the Council in key service areas and be assured that progress is being made to improve areas where performance is below the expected level.


Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to note and discuss the performance reported in the dashboards.




Recommendation agreed.


Cabinet considered details of performance for quarter four (2015-16). The report is required so that the Cabinet can monitor the performance of the Council in key service areas and be assured that progress is being made to improve areas where performance is below the expected level.


Councillor Brighouse, Chairman of Performance Scrutiny Committee advised that as the meeting of the Committee due to be held on 23 June (the Referendum date) had been cancelled the report had been considered by an informal sub group made up of the three Group leads on the Committee. A note was available should it be required.


She outlined several issues the group had considered including safeguarding, delayed transfer of care and reablement. She noted that an earlier committee meeting had considered the targeted inspection and had asked questions of Thames Valley Police in relation to the referrals and the impact of their approach to domestic violence prosecutions on the numbers of referrals. No response had yet been received.


In response to a question from Councillor Brighouse, Lorna Baxter, Chief Finance Officer explained the reason behind and the operation of the reserve for the County Council election.


Councillor Heathcoat, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care informed the meeting that a lot of superb work was going on around delayed transfers of care. A target had been set of getting the figure down to 20 by the end of March 2017. At the end of June 2016 the number of social care delayed transfers of care had fallen to 12. She added that she shared concerns over reablement but that there was going to be a tender process and she expected that the service would improve.


Councillor Rose moved the recommendation:


RESOLVED: to note the performance reported in the dashboards.