Issue - meetings

Service & Resource Planning Report - 2016/17 - December 2015

Meeting: 15/12/2015 - Cabinet (Item 112)

112 Service & Resource Planning Report - 2016/17 - December 2015 pdf icon PDF 220 KB

Cabinet Member: Finance

Forward Plan Ref: 2015/067

Contact: Katy Jurczyszyn, Senior Financial Adviser (Capital & MTFP) Tel: (01865) 323975


Report by Chief Finance Officer (CA7).


This report is the second in a series on the Service & Resource Planning process for 2016/17 which will culminate in Council setting a budget for 2016/17 and a medium term plan to 2019/20 in February 2016.  The report sets out:


·     the savings options that have been subject to public consultation and an update on the pressures for 2016/17 and the medium term,

·     the implications of the Spending Review and Autumn Statement announced on 25 November 2015,

·     a forecast of reserves over the medium term, and

·     the capital programme proposals for 2016/17 to 2019/20. 


Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to take the issues set out in the report into consideration in forming their proposed budget for 2016/17, Medium Term Financial Plan to 2019/20 and Capital Programme to 2019/20.


Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed.


Cabinet considered a report that was the second in a series on the Service & Resource Planning process for 2016/17 which will culminate in Council setting a budget for 2016/17 and a medium term plan to 2019/20 in February 2016. The report set out:


·      the savings options that have been subject to public consultation and an update on the pressures for 2016/17 and the medium term,

·      the implications of the Spending Review and Autumn Statement announced on 25 November 2015,

·      a forecast of reserves over the medium term, and

·      the capital programme proposals for 2016/17 to 2019/20.


Councillor Nick Hards, Shadow Cabinet Member for Finance, indicated that it was difficult to comment in the absence of the settlement from Government. However he highlighted the pressures and uncertainty facing the Council. In particular he referred to the pressures relating to adult social care set out in paragraph 18 of the report. He would want to see further detail once the settlement had been received but would support any efforts to meet the huge challenge. He commented on reducing carers support and the potential for unforeseen consequences with the possibility of increasing costs elsewhere as a result. Responding Councillor Stratford acknowledged that the position was very challenging and welcomed the support for looking after the elderly and vulnerable people.


Lorna Baxter, Chief Finance Officer, introduced the contents of the report. Councillor Stratford moved the recommendations and following comments from Councillor Carter, Cabinet Member for Business and Customer Services, in relation to the New Homes Bonus and the changes to business rates it was:


RESOLVED:                        to take the issues set out in the report into consideration in forming their proposed budget for 2016/17, Medium Term Financial Plan to 2019/20 and Capital Programme to 2019/20.