Issue - meetings

Cabinet Business Monitoring Report for Quarter 1 - 2015/16

Meeting: 20/10/2015 - Cabinet (Item 96)

96 Cabinet Business Monitoring Report for Quarter 1 - 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 761 KB

Cabinet Member: Deputy Leader

Forward Plan Ref: 2015/043

Contact: Maggie Scott, Head of Policy Tel: (01865) 816081


Report by Head of Policy (CA14).


This paper provides details of performance for quarter one for the Cabinet to consider. The report is required so that the Cabinet can monitor the performance of the Council in key service areas and be assured that progress is being made to improve areas where performance is below the expected level.


Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to note and discuss the performance reported in the dashboards


Recommendations agreed


Cabinet considered a report which provided details of performance for quarter one (2015/16) in order to monitor the performance of the Council in key service areas.


Councillor Brighouse, Chairman of the Performance Scrutiny Committee reported on the discussions held at a meeting of the Performance Scrutiny Committee on 24 September which had focussed on the challenges of meeting cuts already included in the budget. The main focus had been on adult social care with discussion on delayed transfer of care and the workforce strategy. Other matters had included the costs of children placed outside the County and coming into care; the low capital receipt being achieved; the level of income from the Ardley site and the role of school nurses in smoking cessation.


Councillor Rose in moving the recommendation advised that he would be looking into the indicator relating to fire station availability which currently was of little use.


RESOLVED:           following discussion to note the performance reported in the dashboards.