Issue - meetings

Cutteslowe & Wolvercote Junction Improvements

Meeting: 19/03/2015 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Environment (including Transport) (Item 12)

12 Cutteslowe & Wolvercote Junction Improvements pdf icon PDF 10 MB

Forward Plan Ref: 2014/160

Contact: Jim Daughton, Service Manager – Delivery Tel: (01865) 815083


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy - Commercial & Delivery (CMDE4).


The report considers objections and comments received as a result of formal consultation on proposals to introduce permanent traffic orders as part of the scheme proposals for the improvement schemes at Wolvercote and Cutteslowe junctions.

The Cabinet Member for Environment is RECOMMENDED to approve:

(a)              the proposed amendment to the TRO for 30mph speed limit on A44 north of Wolvercote junction;

(b)             the proposed amendment to the TRO for 40mph speed limit on A40 west of Wolvercote junction;

(c)             the proposed amendment to the TRO for 40mph speed limit on A40 east of Cutteslowe junction;

(d)             the proposed amendment to the TRO for 30mph speed limit on A40 North Way between Wolvercote and Cutteslowe junctions;

(e)             the proposed TRO for prohibition of right turn movements out of the garages (BP and BMW) on A40 west of Wolvercote junction;

(f)              the proposed new off carriageway cycle route at Wolvercote from A44 Woodstock Road (N) to A40 North Way;

(g)             the proposed new off carriageway cycle routes on A40 Elsfield Way from Cutteslowe junction to Jackson Road;

(h)             the removal of the 2 existing pedestrian crossings on A40 North Way between Wolvercote and Cutteslowe junctions;




























The Cabinet Member for Environment considered a report (CMDE4) setting out objections and comments received in response to a formal consultation to introduce permanent traffic orders as part of the scheme proposals for the improvement schemes at Wolvercote and Cutteslowe junctions.


Councillor Fooks thanked officers for the amendment which had been taken on board and welcomed the schemes to improve both roundabouts and for the strategic link road itself.  However she wished to bring to the attention of the Cabinet Member the situation regarding closure of Five Mile Drive which had prompted mixed views. She felt this needed to be kept under close review as there was potential for this to become a ‘rat-run’. She also had concerns regarding proposed priority measures for cyclists and pedestrians at both roundabouts mentioning specifically the toucan crossing on the eastern arm of the Wolvercote roundabout and the need for a marked cycle track at the south west corner. With regard to the Cutteslowe roundabout she raised the potential problem of buses stopping north of the roundabout, the lack of lights on the Banbury Road south approach road and the toucan crossing on the north arm.


Responding to a question from the Cabinet Member with regard to Five Mile Drive she agreed that the majority view should prevail but there were concerns about vehicle movements and speeding.


Mr Eddy confirmed the purpose of the scheme was to improve flow on main roads and therefore it could be expected to see a reduction in traffic flow on Five Mile Drive.  However that situation would be monitored.  With regard to Wolvercote roundabout he considered that in view of the limited space available that cycle access had been set at an appropriate level. He confirmed that the northbound entry on Cutteslowe was not signalised but detailed modelling indicated that it would work to a better level without. He undertook to let Councillor Fooks have details of other aspects of the scheme with regard to the northbound element. 


Responding to the Cabinet Member he confirmed that signals would be linked to improve flow amd maximise throughput.


The Cabinet Member felt that the time had come to go ahead and progress work on the major schemes. Therefore having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above he confirmed his decision as follows:


(a)          the proposed amendment to the TRO for a 30mph speed limit on A44 north of Wolvercote junction;

(b)         the proposed amendment to the TRO for a 40mph speed limit on A40 west of Wolvercote junction;

(c)          the proposed amendment to the TRO for a 40mph speed limit on A40 east of Cutteslowe junction;

(d)         the proposed amendment to the TRO for a 30mph speed limit on A40 North Way between Wolvercote and Cutteslowe junctions;

(e)          the proposed TRO for prohibition of right turn movements out of the garages (BP and BMW) on A40 west of Wolvercote junction;

(f)           the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12