Issue - meetings

Recommended Sponsor for New Primary School in Banbury at Longford Park

Meeting: 09/03/2015 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Children, Education & Families (Item 12)

12 Recommended Sponsor for New Primary School in Banbury at Longford Park pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2014/109

Contact: Diane Cameron, School Organisation Officer Tel: (01865) 816445


Report by Director for Children’s Services (CMDCEF6).


The Cabinet meeting of 4 September 2012 approved a process for the identification of sponsors for new academies to meet the needs of population growth such as this which requires a new primary school for 2016. In July 2014 Cabinet agreed that the decision on the preferred option could be delegated to the Lead Member for Children Education and Families.  


This process has been followed and has now reached the point where a preferred  provider has been identified from a group of 2 short-listed bidders which were assessed against criteria.


The Lead Member is asked to agree the preferred provider which will be submitted to the Regional Schools Commission for a final decision.  


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to agree GLF Schools as the recommended provider to be submitted to the Regional Schools Commissioner for final agreement.


Recommendations Agreed