Issue - meetings

SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities) Reforms

Meeting: 15/07/2014 - Cabinet (Item 66)

66 SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities) Reforms pdf icon PDF 145 KB

Cabinet Member: Children, Education & Families

Forward Plan Ref: 2014/089

Contact: Janet Johnson, Children with SEN Manager Tel: (01865) 815129


Report by Director for Children’s Services (CA9).


The Children and Families Act  (March,  2014) introduces significant changes affecting children and young people, aged 0 - 25, with special educational needs (SEN)  and disabilities. These, in turn, have implications for a number of public bodies, including the Council. The principle changes which impact on the role of the Council include the requirement to publish a 'Local Offer'; the replacement of Statements of SEN with Education, Health and Care Plans; and personal budgets. The report summarises the key issues, their implications and how the Council is responding.  


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to be aware of the significant changes to SEN and disabilities and the challenges facing the Council over the coming years.



Recommendations agreed.


The Children and Families Act (March, 2014) introduced significant changes affecting children and young people, aged 0 - 25, with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities. These, in turn, have implications for a number of public bodies, including the Council. The principle changes which impact on the role of the Council include the requirement to publish a 'Local Offer'; the replacement of Statements of SEN with Education, Health and Care Plans; and personal budgets. Cabinet considered the report that summarised the key issues, their implications and how the Council is responding.


Councillor Gill Sanders welcomed the report but expressed concern over the timetable for implementation from Government and the impact on already overburdened staff.


RESOLVED:           to be aware of the significant changes to SEN and disabilities and the challenges facing the Council over the coming years as set out in the report.