Issue - meetings

Appointments 2014/15

Meeting: 17/06/2014 - Cabinet (Item 57)

57 Appointments 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Cabinet Member: Leader

Forward Plan Ref: 2014/061

Contact: Sue Whitehead, Principal Committee Officer Tel: (01865) 810262


Report by County Solicitor & Monitoring Officer (CA9).


To consider member appointments to a variety of bodies which in different ways support the discharge of the Council’s Executive function.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)       agree the appointments as set out in the Annex to this report, subject to any amendments at the meeting;

(b)       RECOMMEND to Council to add the Local Government Association Fire Commission to the list of ‘strategic’ Outside Bodies to which the Cabinet makes appointments and subject to their agreement to the above to make an appointment.

Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed with the following addition:


(c)     confirm Councillor Ian Hudspeth as the Council’s representative on the Oxfordshire Growth Board and Councillor Rodney Rose as his named substitute.


Cabinet had before them a report which sought approval to a number of appointments to a number of bodies which in different ways support the disharge of the Council’s executive functions.


Councillor Hudspeth moved the recommendations with the addition of the following appointment:


(c)     confirm Councillor Ian Hudspeth as the Council’s representative on the Oxfordshire Growth Board and Councillor Rodney Rose as his named substitute.




(a)    agree the appointments as set out in the Annex to this report, subject to any amendments at the meeting;

(b)    RECOMMEND to Council to add the Local Government Association Fire Commission to the list of ‘strategic’ Outside Bodies to which the Cabinet makes appointments and subject to their agreement to the above to make an appointment.

(c)     confirm Councillor Ian Hudspeth as the Council’s representative on the Oxfordshire Growth Board and Councillor Rodney Rose as his named substitute.