Issue - meetings

Headington: London Road Shared Use Facility - Green Road Roundabout to Gladstone Road

Meeting: 24/04/2014 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Environment (including Transport) (Item 27)

27 Headington: London Road Shared Use Facility - Green Road Roundabout to Gladstone Road pdf icon PDF 630 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2014/039

Contact: Jim Daughton, Service Manager – Delivery Tel: (01865) 323364


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy – Commercial & Delivery (CMDE4).






The Cabinet Member considered (CMDE4) the results of a public consultation on a proposal to convert the length of footway on London Road between the Green Road roundabout and Gladstone Road to a shared use facility for use by both pedestrians and cyclists


Thanking officers for their work on this Councillor Roz Smith expressed her support for safer cycling and the revised layout. However still had a number of concerns which included timing for construction of the two proposed cycle schemes on London Road, negotiations with the City Council; repeater signing; directional signing from Thornhill park and ride and possible re-siting of barriers at the Green Road subway. Those barriers had been sited in such a way as to encourage cyclists to slow down and any change which widened those lanes had the potential to increase the speed of cyclists.  She also referred to a share with care sign she had seen in another part of the country and wondered if that might be adopted as part of this scheme.


Councillor Sanders concurred with the concerns regarding the barriers at the subway adding that any increase in the width could encourage motorcycles to use the lanes.


The Cabinet Member asked officers to bear those concerns in mind.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him the Cabinet Member confirmed his decision as follows:


To approve the conversion of the length of footway from Green Road roundabout to Gladstone Road to shared use facility (partly segregated, partly unsegregated and as described at Annex 3 to the report CMDE4) and to progress the scheme to delivery in 2014/15 as part of the overall London Road improvement scheme.




Cabinet Member for Environment

