Issue - meetings

Proposed Minor Changes to Magdalen Road (North) CPZs

Meeting: 04/09/2014 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Environment (including Transport) (Item 47)

47 Minor Changes to Magdalen Road (North) Controlled Parking Zones pdf icon PDF 349 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2014/038

Contact: Jim Daughton, Service Manager – Delivery Tel: (01865) 323364


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy – Commercial & Delivery (CMDE4).



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At his meeting on 27 February 2014 the Cabinet Member for Environment considered objections received to a formal consultation on proposals to make minor amendments to the existing Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs) in Divinity Road and Magdalen Road (North) areas. The matters concerning Divinity Road CPZ were resolved but in light of representations made at that meeting a decision on the proposals for Magdalen Road (North) CPZ was deferred to enable further consideration and site visits by the Cabinet Member who was now being recommended that the proposals for Magdalen Road (North) as originally advertised in December 2013 should be implemented.


Mr Fry considered any amendments to the CPZ to meet the needs of one group would be unfair on residents in Stanley Road. The CPZ was very important to residents who were concerned that any relaxation of restrictions now would be the thin end of the wedge ultimately leading to the lifting of the CPZ on Stanley Road. Residents were opposed to that but wanted to help the Mosque and to that end had worked closely with them through a liaison committee to address issues of noise and parking. There were issues of enforcement which needed to be addressed.


Dr Hossein Zand referred to problems of parking all over Oxford. The residents of Stanley Road wanted to live in peace, mutual respect and harmony and the CPZ was crucial to that.  There were many visitors to other facilities in the area but none had asked for the current CPZ to be lifted. The elders of the mosque had pledged to the planning authority to encourage the use of public transport but that did not seem to be happening and the area was used as a park and ride site by non-residents, taxi drivers and so on. The existing CPZ helped to make the area a safer and friendlier place and any changes to it should be resisted.


Councillor Williams referred to the long and involved process to get the CPZ into operation.  It had worked well addressing huge problems with traffic and any moves to change it now should be resisted.  Further consultation had shown that 99% of Stanley Road residents were opposed to any change and would resist any return to the chaotic position that existed before the CPZ.  He referred to the liaison committee which had worked well and residents had worked in harmony with the mosque but residents in the area were now looking to the county council to support them and retain the status quo with regard to the CPZ.


A representative from the Medina Mosque explained that current parking restrictions affected the mosque more than anyone.  They had done all they could to encourage different modes of transport but were now asking for the removal of the evening restrictions on Stanley Road where there were no houses.  The restrictions were affecting numbers coming to evening prayer which in the summer started at 10.30 and in the winter at 4.30. Allowances had been made for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 47