Issue - meetings

Response to Westgate Planning Application

Meeting: 25/02/2014 - Cabinet (Item 17)

17 Response to Westgate Planning Application pdf icon PDF 116 KB

Cabinet Member: Environment

Forward Plan Ref: 2013/123

Contact: Tom Flanagan, Service Manager –Planning Tel: (01865) 815691


Report by Director for Environment & Economy (CA7).


The county council has been consulted by Oxford City Council, in their role as local planning authority, on an application for re-development of the Westgate centre in Oxford. The application is outline for all matters except for access. Reserved matters applications providing, amongst other things, detailed building design proposals are expected during 2014. The developer plans to start on site in 2015, with a target opening date of late 2017.


In addition to the main application, the developer has also submitted two applications for temporary parking to manage the situation and maintain access to the city centre during the construction phase.  These are for the provision of up to 420 temporary parking spaces at Oxpens and for temporary coach parking provision at the Redbridge Park & Ride site.


Overall, officers recommend that the county council supports the proposed Westgate redevelopment, subject to the technical issues, as outlined in Annex 1, being addressed


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)          note the issues raised in the responses to this consultation; and


(b)         approve the county council’s single response to the consultation

Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed.


The county council has been consulted by Oxford City Council, in their role as local planning authority on an application for re-development of the Westgate centre in Oxford. In addition to the main application, the developer had also submitted two applications for temporary parking to manage the situation and maintain access to the city centre during the construction phase.  Cabinet considered a report setting out a suggested response to the consultation.


Mr Simon Hunt, Chair of Cyclox, spoke as a representative of cycling and highlighted the threats to cycling of the new development. He highlighted key issues including that the aspirations to attract cyclists were not sufficiently ambitious. He also commented that in the response too much was left for reserved matters that depended on favourable planning conditions. First class cycle access was needed with shared space rather than the ban between 10.00 am and 6.00 pm. The cycle hub was essential.


Councillor Nimmo Smith in moving the recommendations stressed that the transport assessment had been worked through with officers. The Cycling Strategy was wider than this development and would pick up a number of the points raised by Mr Hunt. Councillor Hudspeth added that there were active discussions ongoing about the siting of the cycle hub. He noted that paragraph 21 of the report  highlighted cycling and and thanked Mr Hunt for his input.


During discussion Cabinet raised the following points:


(1)       There was some reservation about the level of car parking to be provided with a decrease in spaces in the new development. Officers agreed that there was a small decrease in the number of spaces but that there was capacity in the park and ride. It was noted that the current spaces were only full during the run up to Christmas. Officers added that it was necessary to look at the whole transport network and that overall there was capacity. In noting that not everyone with heavy shopping would want to use Park & Ride cabinet asked that this issue be looked at again before the detailed application stage.

(2)       Cabinet Members were glad to see that progress was being made and welcomed the addition of John Lewis to the City centre as a big draw.

(3)       In noting that it was an outline application a Cabinet member queried why no mention was made of charging points for electric cars. Councillor Hudspeth noted that generally the City had more charging points than elsewhere. An officer added that discussions were taking place with the developers.

(4)       Responding to a question from Councillor Heathcoat about parking during development Cabinet was assured that contingency plans were in place to ensure that sufficient temporary spaces were available.


RESOLVED:             to:


(a)               note the issues raised in the responses to this consultation; and

(b)       approve the county council’s single response to the consultation.