Issue - meetings

Pre-Consultation Draft Rights of Way Improvement Plan

Meeting: 09/01/2014 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Environment (including Transport) (Item 7)

7 Pre-Consultation Draft Rights of Way Improvement Plan pdf icon PDF 49 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2013/119

Contact: Steve Smith, Highways & Transport Manger Tel: (01865) 810435


The following is a link to the full document


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy - Commercial & Delivery (CMDE9).



Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Environment considered the detail of a draft Countryside Access Management Plan for public consultation prior to submitting a finalised draft to Cabinet later in 2014.


Presenting the report Mr Smith asked the Cabinet Member to agree a revised title for the Plan to “Rights of Way Management Plan” to better reflect its content.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him the Cabinet Member confirmed his decision as follows:


(a)          approve the proposed change to the title of the document from Rights of Way Improvement Plan to Countryside Access Management Plan;


(b)          agree to the submission of the draft Plan for public consultation with a view to submitting a finalised document to Cabinet in early summer 2014;


(c)           agree to extend the lifespan of the current Rights of Way Improvement Plan until such time that approval for the finalised Countryside Access Management Plan document by Cabinet has been confirmed.





Date of signing……………………….