Issue - meetings

Thornhill and Water Eaton Park & Rides

Meeting: 17/09/2013 - Cabinet (Item 102)

102 Thornhill and Water Eaton Park & Rides - Introduction of Short Term Parking Charges pdf icon PDF 266 KB

Cabinet Member: Environment

Forward Plan Ref: 2013/117

Contact: Jim Daughton, Highways & Transport Service Manager Tel: (01865) 815083


Report by Director for Environment & Economy (CA10).


To consider proposed service changes to introduce new and to increase existing car park charging to the Thornhill and Water Eaton park & rides scheme after consultation.


Additional income which is anticipated from the introduction of short term parking charges is required to contribute to the savings set out in the Medium Term Financial Plan.


This report summarises the public consultation on the advertised Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for charging and recommends to Cabinet Members a proposed level of charging.


Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to :


(a)              approve the making of the Oxfordshire County Council (Park and Ride Parking Places - Thornhill and Water Eaton) Order 201* as advertised;

(b)              confirm the timing of the introduction of charges as identified in paragraphs 9-13 using option i. from paragraph 11 which removes the Hospital exemption; and

(c)               instruct officers to undertake a review between 6 – 12 months of commencement of charging.


Cabinet considered a report on proposed service changes to introduce new and to increase existing car park charging to the Thornhill and Water Eaton park & rides scheme after consultation.


Additional income which is anticipated from the introduction of short term parking charges is required to contribute to the savings set out in the Medium Term Financial Plan.


This report summarised the public consultation on the advertised Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for charging and recommended to Cabinet Members a proposed level of charging.


Councillor John Sanders, Shadow Cabinet Member for Environment spoke in support of the recommendations. Councillor Rose responding to comments from Councillor Sanders about the need to budget for a consultation on a controlled parking zone for Sandhills commented that there were other solutions across the County so that a CPZ was not the only alternative.


Dr Mark Woodhall, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, spoke against the proposed removal of the exemption for hospital staff and indicated that patients could be put at risk by staff such as himself not being able to work the longer hours due to the parking charges they would face.


Dr Louisa Kent, John Radcliffe Hospital, spoke against the changes and suggested they would not assist congestion as originally envisaged by the park and ride scheme. She referred to concerns from the University about attracting and retaining top people and felt that the proposed charges would not help. She asked that if there were any season discount tickets available that information be circulated in advance of the introduction of charges.

Responding to a query from Councillor Hibbert Biles about why the NHS should not cover the costs of their employees Dr Kent replied that the NHS could not afford to do so.


Ed Wigzel Travel Officer, Sustainability Team, Estates Services University of Oxford, indicated that he was speaking on behalf of a number of University staff who strongly opposed the charges. He believed that they would have a detrimental effect on the vibrancy of the City Centre and the ability to attract and retain skilled employees. The City Deal needed infrastructure support to support accessible employees and the charges were not a good foundation to allow competition in a global market. He referred to other cities that made Park & Ride part of their overall package to employees.


Alex Lalvani, a local resident, spoke against the charges and expressed concern that there would be displacement parking. There had already been issues raised with the police. There was no one for local people to talk to and no mechanism for their involvement to ensure impacts were minimised. As a daily user he added that the system of payment was not easy to use and was not a good impression for visitors to the City. The Leader gave assurances that local people could address concerns to their local Councillors or to himself.


Councillor Nimmo Smith in moving the recommendations highlighted the expansion of Thornhill, the introduction of the successful cycle hire and that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 102