Issue - meetings

City Deal Strategy Overview

Meeting: 17/09/2013 - Cabinet (Item 101)

101 City Deal Strategy Overview pdf icon PDF 195 KB

Cabinet Member: Leader

Forward Plan Ref: 2013/101

Contact: Tom Flanagan, Service Manager, Planning & Transport Policy Tel: (01865) 815691


Report by Assistant Chief Executive & Chief Finance Officer (CA9).


The report sets an overview of the City Deal proposal and seeks approval for the City Deal Negotiation Document prior to its submission and presentation to the Government.

Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to approve:


(a)              the approach and overarching strategy for the City Deal proposal;


(b)             the County Council to act as the accountable body for the City Deal proposal.


Cabinet considered a report that set out an overview of the City Deal proposal and sought approval for the City Deal Negotiation Document prior to its submission and presentation to the Government.


Councillor Liz Brighouse, Opposition Leader, spoke in support of the recommendations. However she expressed disappointment that the proposal had been scaled back and concern that the County Council was not as well engaged as they should be. In particular she was concerned at the large amount of funding going to bodies that were not democratic. She stressed the need for development to grow within existing communities. The Leader in welcoming the co-operation of the labour Group gave assurances that as a member of the Local Enterprise Partnership he drew attention to the democratic voice provided by the County Council.


RESOLVED:             to approve:


(a)          the approach and overarching strategy for the City Deal proposal; and

(b)          the County Council to act as the accountable body for the City Deal proposal.