Issue - meetings

Delegated Powers of the Chief Executive - September 2013

Meeting: 17/09/2013 - Cabinet (Item 107)

Delegated Powers of the Chief Executive - October 2013

Cabinet Member: Leader

Forward Plan Ref: 2013/082

Contact: Sue Whitehead, Committee Services Manager Tel: (01865) 810262


Report by Head of Law & Culture (CA15).


To report on a quarterly basis any executive decision taken by the Chief Executive under the specific powers and functions delegated to her under the terms of Part 7.4 of the Council’s Constitution – Paragraph 1(A)(c)(i).  It is not for scrutiny call in.


To report on a quarterly basis any executive decision taken by the Chief Executive under the specific powers and functions delegated to her under the terms of Part 7.4 of the Council’s Constitution – Paragraph 1(A)(c)(i).  It is not for scrutiny call in.





Reasons for Urgency

11 April 2013

Support services for homeless people and substance abusers

Approved an exemption from the full tendering requirements of the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules

The extension of the contract to January 2015 to give continuity of provision to take account of changes in the welfare benefit system and a new approach to rough sleepers.

31 July 2013

Contract East Oxford School and LFB Educational Consultancy Limited

Approved an exemption from the full tendering requirements of the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules

To provide an interim head teacher for up to a full academic year to provide stability whilst a permanent head teacher is recruited.





Cabinet noted the following executive decision taken by the Chief Executive under the specific powers and functions delegated to her under the terms of Part 7.4 of the Council’s Constitution – Paragraph 1(A)(c)(i). It is not for scrutiny call in.





Reasons for Urgency

11 April 2013

Support services for homeless people and substance abusers

Approved an exemption from the full tendering requirements of the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules

The extension of the contract to January 2015 to give continuity of provision to take account of changes in the welfare benefit system and a new approach to rough sleepers.

31 July 2013

Contract East Oxford School and LFB Educational Consultancy Limited

Approved an exemption from the full tendering requirements of the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules

To provide an interim head teacher for up to a full academic year to provide stability whilst a permanent head teacher is recruited.