Issue - meetings

London Road, Headington - Proposed Implementations and Bus Lane

Meeting: 12/09/2013 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Environment (including Transport) (Item 12)

12 London Road, Headington - Proposed Improvements and Bus Lane pdf icon PDF 298 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2013/074

Contact: Jim Daughton, Highways & Transport Manger Tel: (01865) 815083


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy - Commercial & Delivery (CMDE5).




Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Environment considered the results of a formal consultation on proposals to introduce two new lengths of bus lane on the A40 London Road; the Oxford bound approach to the Green Road roundabout and at the exit of the Thornhill park & ride site.  These proposals formed part of a package of measures to improve non-car access between the park & ride site, hospitals and other major destinations in Headington.


Mr Smith stated that provision for cycling on the London Road was very poor and that historically the needs of cyclists had never been adequately met. It should be acknowledged that the highway had many users other than buses and these measures, which steered cyclists from cycleway to carriageway, put them at great risk. They needed greater protection.  There was general support to encourage cycling but engineers had systematically failed to provide an adequate solution.  He disagreed with the report which implied that current levels of cycling provision were being maintained when clearly they were not and more consideration needed to be given to provision of dedicated cycle lanes.


Councillor Smith thanked officers for their involvement in this process, attendance at local meetings and subsequent changes made during the consultation and initial design processes. However, she could not give unequivocal support for this new scheme.  The surface of London Road was an embarrassment and dangerous.  She welcomed the additional survey work on the Green Road access but remained to be convinced that an extra bus lane would be the solution but could lead to more conflict and accidents.  She supported the new shared cycle lane behind the bus shelter and retention of yellow boxes at Ramsay Road and Walton Road junctions.


Mr Kemp advised that it was hoped to commence surfacing work on London Road next year and confirmed that every effort would be made to mitigate the impact of resurfacing work.


Mr Astone confirmed changes had been made to one of the drawings regarding cycle provision around the inbound bus stop which had been circulated to objectors and Councillor Smith for comment.  More work on that was required including the need for some land dedication behind the bus stop and negotiations were in hand with the City Council to achieve that.  Two trees would also need to be removed but they would be replaced. Officers would also be looking at westbound cycle facilities.


Councillor Smith supported this change and considered it important that the concerns of cycling groups were taken on board.  The land in question was not used so hopefully there would be no complications regarding dedication of the land and it would be safer for pedestrians.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above the Cabinet Member for Environment confirmed his decision as follows:


(a)    approve the proposed length of new bus lane on the A40 London Road at the approach to the Green Road roundabout  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12