Issue - meetings

Proposed Parking Restrictions - Various Locations, Kidlington and Gosford

Meeting: 09/01/2014 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Environment (including Transport) (Item 3)

3 Proposed Parking Restrictions - Kidlington pdf icon PDF 856 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2013/071

Contact: Jim Daughton, Highways & Transport Manger Tel: (01865) 815083


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy - Commercial & Delivery (CMDE5).





The Cabinet Member for Environment considered (CMDE5) objections to a formal consultation on proposals to introduce new parking restrictions in Exeter Road, Kidlington and results from an initial consultation on similar proposals in the eastern service road adjacent to A4260 Oxford Road in Gosford.


Mr Swartz referred to agreement amongst all authorities and road safety experts that double yellow lines were required for driving safety purposes, and it was now a matter of line.  The original proposal had been for 55 metres, which was now being scaled down to as few as 20 metres, apparently to address objectors who have been subjected to an intensive/misleading door-to-door dialogue/petition orchestrated by non-Exeter Road residents in an effort to preserve what they consider to be their own little parking sanctuary.  However, the "real situation on the ground" was that double yellow lines (of appropriate length) were very much in the best interests of all Exeter Road residents. He referred to similar situation at the Home Close intersection to where double yellow lines, approximately 26 metres, had been installed several years ago, for the same driving safety reasons, with complete success and no parking problems for residents.  It is his contention for driving safety reasons that double yellow lines for the Exeter Road intersection needed to be at least 35 metres in length as a minimum because, unlike the Home Close cul-de-sac which no longer had high speed through traffic, the Exeter Road drivers would confront higher speed/through traffic oncoming vehicles turning into Exeter Road.  This situation required 2-way vehicle clearance road width for a distance of at least 35 metres and preferably the 55 metres proposed to minimise head-on collision risk.  Such a move would not as had been suggested parking problems for all Exeter Road residents as daily counts (day and night) during the past 12 months had shown at least 25 open on-street spaces closer to residences than the proposed double yellow lines area, while the latter would only displace parking space for approximately four vehicles.


Mr Tole confirmed there had been a great deal of opposition to the original proposal for 55 metres.  The situation was different to that of Home Close and he considered that the revised proposal as set out in Annex 3 would be sufficient to meet road safety concerns and needs of residents.


The Cabinet Member confirmed he had visited the site on the previous Friday afternoon and had not seen any great problems in this area.  He acknowledged Mr Swartz’s comments but having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him and the support expressed by local councillors he confirmed his decision as follows:


(a)               to approve the proposed parking restrictions for Exeter Road, Kidlington as advertised and amended as described in the report (CMDE5);


(b)               not proceed with the proposed parking restrictions on the eastern service road of Oxford Road, Gosford but to carry out further consultations.




Date of signing……………………………