Issue - meetings

Young People's Well Being Group

Meeting: 04/02/2013 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Children & the Voluntary Sector (Item 16)

16 Young People's Well Being Group pdf icon PDF 202 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/193

Contact: Tan Lea, Early Intervention Manager, Central (Youth Lead) Education & early Intervention Service Tel: (01865) 815902


Report by Director for Children’s Services (CMDCVS4).


The Department for Education released new statutory guidance in June 2012 "Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities on Services and Activities to Improve Young People's Well-being".  This is statutory guidance issued by the Secretary of State for Education under Section 507B of the Education and Inspections Act 2006. It relates to local authorities' duty to secure services and activities for young people aged 13 - 19, and those with learning difficulties to age 24, to improve their well-being. This document is attached as Annex 1.


The new guidance replaces the previous statutory guidance under the above Duty "Statutory Guidance on Section 507B Education Act 1996" relating to the duty to secure access to positive activities for young people in their  leisure time. The new statutory guidance details two main areas of concern a) securing access to sufficient services and activities and b) involving young people. The report refers to the action plan for delivering this duty (attached as Annex 2 to the report) including suggesting how feedback can be provided to Elected Members through a 'Young People's Well-being group' within the Health and Well-being Board structure (Annex 3)


The Cabinet Member for Children & the Voluntary Sector is RECOMMENDED to agree the setting up of the ‘Young People’s Well-being Group’ as a standing advisory group to oversee Oxfordshire County Council’s compliance with the statutory duty. (Draft terms of reference are set out in Annex 3)

