Meeting documents

Learning & Culture Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 10 September 2002


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Minutes of the Meeting commencing at 10.00 am and finishing at 3.25 pm


Voting Members:

Councillor Robert Evans - in the chair

Councillor Andrew Brown
Councillor Bill Bryden
Councillor Margaret Ferriman
Councillor Mrs Anda Fitzgerald-O’Connor
Councillor Mrs M. Hastings
Councillor Steve Hayward
Councillor Shereen Karmali
Councillor Lesley Legge (in place of Councillor Zoe Patrick)
Councillor Kieron Mallon
Councillor Jim Moley
Councillor Rodney Rose
Councillor George Sanders
Councillor David Turner
Councillor Christine Witcher

Voting Members:

Dr A. Reiss

Other Members in Attendance:

Councillor Neil Fawcett


Whole of meeting: G. Malcolm (Chief Executive’s Office);

Part of meeting: D.N. Bishop (Chief Executive’s Office); R. Border, R. Capstick, L. Goll, R. Howard, K. Rumboll (Education Department); Director of Cultural Services.

By Invitation:

Mrs B. Williams, COTO; Mr. M. Wright, Oxfordshire Governors’ Association.

The Scrutiny Committee considered the matters, reports and recommendations contained or referred to in the agenda for the meeting and agreed as set out below. Copies of the agenda and reports are attached to the signed Minutes.


    Apologies for absence and temporary appointments were received as follows:

    Apology from

    Temporary Appointments

    Councillor Patrick

    Councillor Legge

    Revd Dr John Gay


    Mr A. Graham


    Mr S. Terry



    Councillor Witcher declared a non-pecuniary interest in relation to Item 11 – Scrutiny Reviews (SEN).

    40/02. MINUTES

The Minutes of the meetings of the Committee held on 7 May and 21 June 2002 were approved and signed subject:

    1. at 23/02(a)(i)(d) bullet point four to the deletion of the first two sentences and the substitution of ‘Questions about links between the BV review and the Adult Learning Plan 2002/03 would be addressed’;
    2. at 26/02(a)(c) to the deletion of ‘David Evans’ and substitution of ‘David Turner, Robert Evans’;
    3. at 37/02 final key point on page 3 to the deletion of the words following ‘site’ and substitution of ‘for a variety of education and community functions’.

Minute 24/02(a): The written text of responses by the Principal Adviser to Mr Terry’s questions (copy attached to the signed Minutes) was made available to members


(Agenda Item 5)

Sarah Rusby, Head of Learning for Life, Learning & Skills Council (LSC), attended at the Scrutiny Committee’s invitation (Minute LC26/02)), gave a short presentation on the aims, objectives and work of the LSC and responded to members’ questions which focused mainly on the new funding arrangements. A summary of Ms Rusby’s responses to key questions is attached to these minutes (Annex) and, together with the LSC website address, would be circulated to members following the conclusion of the meeting.

The Scrutiny Committee also had before them a briefing note (LC5) on sixth form funding which had been prepared by the Acting Chief Education Officer.

The Scrutiny Committee AGREED to:

    1. thank Ms Rusby for attending and Mr Capstick for the briefing note;
    2. invite the LSC to attend scrutiny annually, next in 2003; and
    3. (at the suggestion of Councillor Turner) ask the LSC to clarify the rules concerning the LEA’s ability to compensate schools without 6th forms through the schools budget formula.


(Agenda Item 6)

    1. The Subject of Literacy and Numeracy : Progress in Oxfordshire Schools

      The Scrutiny Committee considered a report (LC6(a)) which was supported by a presentation by Mr Border and Ms Rumboll on the subject of literacy and numeracy in Oxfordshire Schools. They highlighted the integration of literacy and numeracy strategies and the development of ICT.

      The Scrutiny Committee received the report and thanked the officers for their presentation.

    2. OFSTED Inspection Reports on Oxfordshire Schools to April 2002

The Scrutiny Committee considered and received a report (LC6(b)) on OFSTED Inspection of Oxfordshire Schools and AGREED to ask the Chair following the removal of St Edburg’s from ‘special measures’ to write to congratulate the whole school community.


    (Agenda Item 7)

    The Scrutiny Committee considered a report (LC7) which indicated the partnership visits which had been made to date and the supporting arrangements. This was a positive initiative from the Council to meet with headteachers and chairs of governors in a particular locality. Ways in which such visits could be further exploited were discussed.

    The Scrutiny Committee AGREED to ask Councillors Brown, Bryden and Hayward to hold an informal meeting, including representatives of primary and secondary head teachers and relevant officers, in order to consider the development/planning of members’ visits to partnerships of schools and the possibility of linking the visits to other County Council establishments (ie libraries), and to report back.


(Agenda Item 8)

The Scrutiny Committee considered a report (LC8) and a supplementary report on Priority 8 (attached to the signed minutes) which, at Members’ request, was the first regular report to scrutiny on progress with the Education Development Plan (EDP2) 2002-2207.

On this occasion, all eight priorities were reported upon and initial monitoring at this early stage indicated that good progress was being made to implement action across EDP2. The first significant evaluation point for EDP2 and the associated targets would be in the Autumn term of 2003, although LEA, school and pupil performance indicators would be analysed and reported upon in the coming Autumn term.

The Scrutiny Committee AGREED to receive the first monitoring report.


(Agenda Item 9)

At the January 2002 meeting the Scrutiny Committee agreed to receive a regular progress report on the City Schools reorganisation.

The Scrutiny Committee AGREED to receive the report (LC9).


(Agenda Item 10)

On 6 June 2002 the Co-ordinating Group of Scrutiny Chairs and Deputy Chairs agreed that an item should be included on the agendas of Scrutiny Committee meetings for members to discuss and evaluate the scrutiny process to date and report back to the Co-ordinating Group.

Mr Bishop gave a brief presentation on the progress made with the Scrutiny process and responded to members’ questions to comments.

The following key point arose from debate:

  1. while recognising the value of scrutiny review, the ‘overview’ element was seen as missing
  2. too much paper
  3. scrutiny committees: too big, and too many meetings
  4. resource issues – strong case for improved scrutiny officer support
  5. agendas should indicate priority/action required
  6. monitoring reports clogging up agendas and reflecting ‘old style’ committees – a small group should look at handling performance information and focusing on weakness
  7. need to search out and adopt good/best practice from elsewhere (including parliamentary Select Committee process)
  8. more external/community focus needed.

The Scrutiny Committee AGREED to forward these points to the Scrutiny Co-ordinating Group.


(Agenda Item 11)

The Scrutiny Committee considered updates on scrutiny reviews, as follows:-

(a) Scrutiny Committee Commissioned Reviews:

    • Recruitment and retention of teachers and support staff focusing in particular on schools

(Panel: Councillors Robert Evans, Steve Hayward, Jim Moley;
Scrutiny officers: J T Hehir)

The lead member review group was meeting following the conclusion of this meeting.

    • Special education needs

(Panel: Councillors Zoe Patrick, Christine Witcher;
Scrutiny officers: M Bramall & J T Hehir)

The lead member review report was in preparation.

    • County Museum Service

(Panel: Councillors Alan Bryden, Margaret Ferriman, Kieron Mallon;
Scrutiny officers: M Bramall & J T Hehir)

The review had commenced.

(b) Executive Commissioned Review:

    • Bus services

(Panel: Councillors Bill Bradshaw, Andrew Crawford, Patrick Greene, Biddy Hudson, Terry Joslin; David Turner (L&C Scrutiny Committee); By invitation: Executive Member for Strategic Planning & Waste Management; a member of the Social & Health Care Scrutiny Committee to advise on the needs of older people

Lead officer: Dick Helling (DES))

The review, which included reference to the balance between school/public transport, had requested additional funding in order to meet the full brief provided by the consultants.

(c) Work Programme:


    • Bullying, behaviour, exclusions, truancy

AGREED medium priority.

    • Rural issues including youth services, early years, sixth form, lifelong learning, community education, amalgamation of CECs

AGREED high priority; lead members Cllrs Jim Moley, Mrs Anda Fitzgerald O’Connor, David Turner to draft an early scoping document.

    • Information, communications and technology

AGREED long term priority.

    • Faith schools

(Councillors Andrew Brown, Mrs M Hastings, Shereen Karmali, Rev. D Gay;

Scrutiny officers: M Bramall & J T Hehir)

Scoping document (a copy of which is attached to the signed Minutes) AGREED for submission to the Scrutiny Co-ordinating Group.

    • Learning & Skills Council - annual presentation ( see decision above at Minute 41/02).

(d) Other Matters:

    • Best Value Review Programme

AGREED to receive the summary of the Best Value Review Programme 2001/02 – 2002/03 (LC11(d)(i) and (ii)) as requested at the May meeting (Minute 29/02(d)).

    • Charging Policies Best Value review – Further information

On 7 May 2002 the Scrutiny Committee received a report and presentation on the content and recommendations of this cross-cutting review.

The Scrutiny Committee considered a report (LC9D)(iii) which presented the further information requested on the detailed charges currently raised by learning and culture services in Oxfordshire, and progress with the pilot schemes for the use of Smartcards.

AGREED to note the current position.

    • School partnership visits

(Councillors Brown & Bryden drafting an early scoping document)

(see decision above at Minute 43/02).

    • Matters for inclusion in the future Work Programme

"Use of School Premises for Community and Non-School Functions".

The Scrutiny Committee AGREED to ask lead members Councillors Brown, Mrs Fitzgerald-O’Connor and Dr Reiss (subject to consent) to draft an early scoping document; Priority: to follow the Management of Property BV review, and to link with the BV review proposed for 2003 on property use.


(Agenda Item 12)

On 19 June the Best Value Committee considered the report (LC12) and adopted the recommendations.

The Scrutiny Committee considered the report which provided information on progress against the Action Plan of the Review.

The Scrutiny Committee AGREED to:

    1. note the progress reported and that the Arts Consultant arrangement, and the development of a sports policy, were under consideration; and
    2. monitor progress with the implementation of Learning & Culture related BV review Action Plans on a regular basis.

      49/02. FORWARD PLAN

(Agenda Item 13)

The Scrutiny Committee noted the matters relating to Learning & Culture in the Executive’s Forward Plan.

in the Chair

Date of signing 2002

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