Meeting documents

Tuesday, 21 April 2009


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MINUTES of the meeting held on 17 March 2009 commencing at 2.00 pm and finishing at 4.30 pm.




Voting Members:          Councillor Keith R Mitchell CBE – in the chair


Councillor Roger Belson

Councillor Louise Chapman

Councillor Jim Couchman

Councillor Mrs J. Heathcoat

Councillor Melinda Tilley

Councillor Ian Hudspeth

Councillor David Robertson

Councillor C.H. Shouler

Councillor Michael Waine


Other Members in         Councillor  Zoé Patrick (for Agenda Item 5, 10 & 16)

Attendance:                   Councillor Roz Smith (for Agenda Item 7)

Councillor Bob Johnston (for Agenda Item 8 & 17)

Councillor Charles Mathew (for Agenda Items 9 & 10)

Councillor Jenny Hannaby (for Agenda Item 9)

Councillor Olive McIntosh Stedman (for Agenda Item 9)

Councillor Gail Bones (for Agenda Item 12)




Whole of meeting:           Chief Executive, S. Whitehead (Legal & Democratic Services).


Part of meeting:


Agenda Item

Officer Attending


Kathy Wilcox (Financial Planning)


Assistant Chief Fire Officer and Head of Service Support,

Martin Crapper ( Fire & Rescue)


Director for Environment & Economy, Kevin Haines (Transport Policy & Strategy)


Greg Lowe (Property)


Peter Edwards (Interim Review Manager – Policy Unit)


Imran Alvi (Policy Unit)


Nigel Cunning (Project Delivery – Property Services, John Phipps (Children, Young People & Families –Strategy & Performance)


Head of Adult Social Care


Mark Tailby (Property)


Head of Partnership Working


Head of Partnership Working, Claire Phillips (Partnership Working Unit)


Ian Mills (Policy Unit)


Strategic HR Manager



The Cabinet considered the matters, reports and recommendations contained or referred to in the agenda for the meeting, together with a schedule of addenda tabled at the meeting and the following additional documents and decided as set out below.  Except insofar as otherwise specified, the reasons for the decisions are contained in the agenda, reports and schedule/additional documents, copies of which are attached to the signed Minutes.





Councillor Keith Mitchell declared personal interests on Item 10 relating to the Market Towns Review as a Patron and past Board Member of the Oxfordshire Rural Community Council and as a South East England Development Agency (SEEDA) Board Member.


22/09         MINUTES


The Minutes of the meeting held on 17 February 2009 were approved and signed.




The Cabinet received a petition from Councillor Bob Johnston for consideration at Agenda Item 8 relating to Redbridge Hollow.



(Agenda Item 5)


The Cabinet considered a report  (CA5) that set out the Council’s forecast financial position for the 2008/09 financial year based on ten months of actuals to the end of January 2009.  It included projections for revenue, balances, reserves and capital.  The report set out explanations where the forecast outturn was significantly different from the budget with action plans to recover the position where appropriate.


An in-year overspend for Directorates was now forecast at £1.963m.  This position excluded the -£0.365m underspend on the ICT Investment Fund which would be carried forward to 2009/10.  The year-end forecast of general balances was £20.006m. 


The projected in-year commitment on capital was estimated to be £86.6m (excluding devolved formula capital) in line with the latest capital programme approved by Council in February 2009.  Actual expenditure to the end of January was £55.75m, 64% of projected spend.


Councillor Zoé Patrick referred to paragraph 33 of the report and welcomed the spending on the new sound system in the committee rooms and Council Chamber in County Hall.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)         note the report;


(b)         approve the Supplementary Estimates totalling £0.975m as set out in paragraph 52;


(c)         recommend Council to approve the temporary virement of £0.905m from Home to School Transport to Children’s Agency Placements;


(d)         approve the other virements as set out in Annex 2a; and


(e)         approve the virements to the approved budget for 2009/10 set out

in Annex 9.



(Agenda item 6)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA6) which proposed the projects to be included within the Fire Authority’s Integrated Risk Management (IRMP) – Action Plan for 2009-10.


RESOLVED:         to approve the following projects to be included in the IRMP Action Plan 2009-10:


(i)           Review Prevention and Risk Reduction

(ii)         A review of the implementation of the Fire Safety Order

(iii)       Working with the requirements of the Local Resilience Forum

(iv)        A review of the training requirements and operational needs associated with the retained duty staff

(v)          To achieve level 3 in the Local Government Standard for Equalities

(vi)        A review of the joint working opportunities with Oxfordshire County Emergency Planning Unit

(vii)      The creation of a succession planning strategy

(viii)    A review of the Incident Command structure



(Agenda Item 7)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA7) which set out the main Transport works programmes for 2009/10 and beyond.  The report also provided an update on the delivery of the 2008/09 programmes, and on the general progress made during the first two years of the current Local Transport Plan (LTP 2).


The Cabinet also considered an amended version of annex 4 to the report, set out in the schedule of addenda, on structural maintenance capital funding that corrected the 2009/10 figures for Footways and Non-Principal roads and the corresponding figure in the total column. The overall totals were unchanged.


The Cabinet noted that in the addenda the final sentence of paragraph 7 of the report had been corrected to read:


‘These pressures were managed within Transport budgets to deliver an enhanced programme of work, with a small forecast overspend of £0.075 million (0.5% of the £15.6 million allocated).’      


Councillor Roz Smith, speaking as Shadow Cabinet Member for Transport highlighted the need to minimise the use of acronyms and to explain what they stood for when they were used. She noted that SCE stood for supported capital expenditure. She welcomed the publication of the very extensive list of works but felt that the future for Highways was bleak and that the Government should provide funding to deal with new responsibilities. In welcoming the new National Indicator for bus punctuality she expressed concern at how it was to be monitored. She felt that the funding for Oxford City Council was not sufficient given the higher level of traffic compared with elsewhere in Oxfordshire.


The Cabinet Member for Transport agreed that it was a valuable report for Members. He noted the issue relating to Oxford City and queried whether the works could be provided in other ways to deliver more for residents. In introducing the report he referred to the importance of tree maintenance and drainage works.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          approve the details of the 2009/10 Transport Improvements programme and scheme allocations and 2010-11 provisional programme as set out in Annex 3;


(b)          approve the use of relevant developer funded contributions to fund works in the 2009/10 Transport Improvements Programme;


(c)          approve the details of the 2009/10 Highway Maintenance programmes and allocations, and the forward provisional programmes as set out in Annexes 5, 6, 7 and 9;


(d)          approve Oxford City Council’s Section 42 allocation for 2009/10 as modified and shown in Column B of Annex 11; and


(e)          approve the Detailed Project Appraisal at Annex 13 (A420 High Street, Oxford, Phase 3).



(Agenda Item 8)


The Cabinet considered a detailed project appraisal (CA8) for removal of fly-tipped waste from County Council owned land at Redbridge Hollow, Oxford.


The report explained where the waste had been deposited, the method that would be adopted for its treatment and removal, an interim site security strategy to be implemented after the waste had been removed and the proposed future use of the land.


Councillor Johnston generally welcomed the report and referred to the petition that had been gathered from Christmas onward. He stated that local residents were annoyed that no-one had been prosecuted, although he understood the difficulty when no-one was prepared to act as a witness; he stressed that security would be vital and queried whether the removed waste could be treated to separate out the hard core for re-use.


The Cabinet Member for Finance responded to the points made and noted that the re-use of material and security would be a matter for the contract.


The Cabinet noted that the figures for Annex 3 had been updated.


RESOLVED:       to approve the Detailed Project Appraisal for the Removal of Fly-Tipped Waste from Redbridge Hollow Travellers Site.



(Agenda Item 9)


The Cabinet considered a Summary report on the Review into Debt and Money Advice (CA9) exploring the range, quality and effectiveness of debt and money advice that was being provided by a host of different agencies across Oxfordshire. 


Councillor Charles Mathew, Lead Member for the Review introduced the report and commended the recommendations to Cabinet. Councillor Jenny Hannaby and Councillor Olive McIntosh Stedman spoke in support of the recommendations and in particular Councillor Hannaby supported recommendation 7. The Chairman stressed that unusually he had allowed more than one member to speak but that normally he would expect the review group members to make their points through the Lead Member.


The Cabinet Member for Community Safety thanked the speakers for their attendance and all the members and officers involved in the review, which was particularly important given the downturn in the economy. She noted that the report was seen by the Lead Member as an interim review and her own concern was that since the research for the review had started the financial situation nationally had worsened considerably and she had had a range of representations from advice agencies across the County worried that the proposals were a little out of date as a consequence.


The Cabinet Member added that she was very happy to recommend to the Cabinet that they acknowledge the important role played by advice agencies in supporting the local economy during the recession but felt that the recommendations did need review in the light of the changing circumstances facing the county. She therefore suggested that the relevant agencies be asked to look again at these recommendations and to agree between themselves those having the greatest priority to be taken forward at the current time. She did not think it appropriate of the County Council to impose this on them bearing in mind they were all facing unprecedented levels of additional demand. She asked that the Assistant Chief Executive and Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Finance Officer raise the matter with district colleagues to ensure a coordinated approach across the county in terms of debt recovery and support for advice agencies.


During discussion the Cabinet Member for Social & Community Services expressed concerns raised with him by Age Concern over two points: Phone Link referred to in the report was a befriending service and nothing to do with advice; Age Concern were not debt advisers as they gave advice on maximising benefits not dealing with debt. The Lead Member replied that they were happy to talk through any concerns with representatives of Age Concern.


RESOLVED:         to not agree the recommendations of the Review at this time but in recognising the important role of advice agencies to agree that the recommendations be reviewed and that the agencies be consulted on the recommendations and their priorities and that there be consultation with District Councils.



(Agenda Item 10)


The Cabinet considered a Summary report on the Review of the Local Economy of Market Towns (CA10). The review considered what more Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) could do to help facilitate the economic success of market towns both as an individual agent and in partnership with key stakeholders. The review aimed to support district councils in achieving their visions as well as supporting community led initiatives in market towns. The Cabinet also noted a Minority report submitted by Councillor Terry Joslin and included in the schedule of addenda.


The Review identified key stakeholders, plans and activities and drew heavily on best practice in other market towns to identify 11 key drivers of success. They identified 3 building blocks necessary to deliver economic success: understanding the economic landscape, developing a vision and delivering that vision. The Review also looked at Oxfordshire specific barriers preventing market towns from emulating best practice and how those could be overcome.


Councillor Charles Mathew, Lead Member for the Review introduced the report and commended the recommendations to Cabinet. He expressed some concern over the content of the Minority report. He explained that the Review had wanted to make use of the SEEDA money and that Didcot was not included in their listing. However all market towns could make use of the information collected.


Councillor Zoé Patrick, speaking as Leader of the opposition group welcomed the review and hoped that the Cabinet would be able to support the recommendations.


Following some discussion the Leader responded to the recommendations as set out in the Annex (download as .doc file) to these minutes.


RESOLVED:         to respond to the recommendations of the Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee as set out in the Annex to these minutes.



(Agenda Item 11)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA11) that related to the final business case and sought approval to the detailed project appraisal for the Oxford Academy. The project would provide for a new and part refurbished 7 form entry secondary school with up to 1,050 pupils. In addition there would be a 6th form for up to 400 pupils and a specific 150-place sports academy.


The Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement stated that County Highways required a developer’s contribution of £50,000 toward pedestrian and cycle infrastructure to support the increased capacity of the school. This work was not funded by the grant from Partnership for Schools. The increased capacity of the new development would in part meet the needs of future residential development in the catchment of the school. The County Council’s Developer Funding Team would seek to secure the additional costs incurred which would include the additional cost of impact upon the highway infrastructure and increased capacity of the new special school.


RESOLVED:         to agree subject to funding approval from PfS, to authorise the Head of Property and Head of Legal Services to enter into a building contract with Willmott Dixon Construction Limited for the delivery of the Oxford Academy, Mabel Prichard Special School, Adult Learning and Library facilities and to enter into a development agreement with the Oxford Academy Trust which will provide for the Council to dispose of the Oxford Academy upon completion of the project by granting a 125 year lease at a peppercorn rent to the Academy trust.



(Agenda Item 12)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA12) which informed them of proposals for the expansion of the Mental Health Commissioning Pooled Budget between OCC and Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust (OPCT) and sought approval to the necessary arrangements to put this in place


Responding to comments from Councillor Gail Bones speaking as the Shadow Cabinet Member for Social & Community Services the Leader stated that it was for the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee to seek a detailed report on the impact of the proposals on services.


The Cabinet was advised of the following amendment to paragraph 23: Strategic Finance Manager (OCC) should read Finance Business Partner, Social & Community Services (OCC).


RESOLVED:          to:


(a)         give approval for the expansion of the Commissioning Pooled Budget from April 2009 to include all Budgets from both organizations for adults of working age with mental health problems


(b)         agree to the governance arrangements to oversee the expanded Commissioning Pooled Budget;


(c)         agree that Chief Officers are given delegated authority to agree the budgets that will contribute to the Mental Health Commissioning pool.



(Agenda Item 13)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA13) that set out the findings of a review of the Council’s arrangements for Facilities Management (FM), the Business Case, proposals for the future and sought approval for putting the new arrangements in place.


The review considered soft FM services (such as cleaning, reception and hall keeping) and its objectives were to establish a service which:


·        Improved the ability to meet statutory requirements and deliver council objectives

·        Provided a broader range of high quality FM services

·        Was capable of delivering services across the County efficiently and which represents value for money in procurement, delivery and management

·        Was able to adapt to changing demands of the Council as the estate changes

·        Was capable of growing to meet the demands of new clients such as the Council’s Partners if they choose to buy-in to the service

·        Was capable of being monitored for performance and value for money.


RESOLVED:         to agree:


(a)          the proposals for establishing a Corporate Facilities Management function within Property Services; and


(b)          the transfer of exiting FM spend to the new function from 2010/11 with an additional 10% to allow for unidentified expenditure



(Agenda Item 14)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA14) that proposed changes to the structure of thematic partnerships supporting the Oxfordshire Partnership and Public Service Board that followed a review of the governance arrangements of the partnerships responsible for delivery of the targets in the Oxfordshire 2030 Delivery Plan.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          note the decision of the Public Service Board; and


(b)          agree the report.



(Agenda Item 15)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA15) that updated the position with regard to the review and refresh process for the Local Area Agreement 2008-2011. The report was amended by details of the status of negotiations as at Thursday 12 March 2009 as set out in the schedule of addenda.


RESOLVED;          to


(a)          approve the targets subject to final negotiations with GOSE; and


(b)          authorise the Leader (Chairman of the Oxfordshire Partnership) and Deputy Leader (Chairman of the Public Service Board) to approve any outstanding issues



(Agenda Item 16)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA16) on the Council's Balanced Scorecard detailing progress against priorities and targets as at Quarter Three 2008 - 2009.


Councillor Zoé Patrick speaking as the Leader of the opposition group highlighted areas of concern including educational attainment, under 18 conception rate and delivery of the Capital Transport Programme. She wondered whether the County could look at innovative work being done elsewhere in terms of underage conception rates.


RESOLVED:         to note the report.



(Agenda Item 17)


The Cabined considered a report (CA17) which gave an update on activity since the implementation of the Establishment Review and associated Recruitment Approval process on 1 August 2005. It provided detail on the overall objectives of the review and summarised progress made against the targets which were agreed to ensure delivery of those objectives. Details of the agreed establishment figure at 31 December 2008 in terms of Full Time Equivalents is provided, together with the detailed staffing position at 31 December 2008. These are shown in the report by directorate and service area.


The report also provided information on current activity and in addition there was information on grant-funded posts and those vacancies which were being covered by agency staff and at what cost.


Councillor Bob Johnston welcomed the general value and clarity of the figures provided. In expressing some concern at the vacancy levels in relation to Children Young People & Families, that he understood were connected with restructuring, he felt that an explanatory sentence in the report would have been useful. Similarly with the vacancy levels for Social & Community Services some explanation of the reasonds would have been useful.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)         note the report;


(b)         confirm that the Establishment Review continues to meet the Cabinet’s requirements in reporting and managing staffing numbers.



(Agenda Item 18)


The Cabinet considered a list of items (CA18) for the immediately forthcoming meetings of the Cabinet.


RESOLVED:          to note the items currently identified for forthcoming meetings.


................................................................................... in the Chair


Date of signing.................................................................. 2009


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