Agenda item

Director's Update



John Jackson (Director of Social & Community Services) and David Ethridge (Chief Fire Officer) to report.


Reports were received from Colin Thomas (Deputy Chief Fire Officer) and John Jackson (Director, Social & Community Services).


Colin Thomas reported on:


Consumer Safety Review


The National Audit Office (NAO) published ‘Protecting consumers – the system for enforcing consumer law’ on 13 June 2011.  The report found that the effectiveness of the current arrangements to enforce consumer law was not delivering value for money due to a fragmented delivery landscape.  Emphasis was placed on local priorities even though a great deal of consumer detriment takes place at national and regional levels.


It was noted that a national helpline was being set up.


On 21 June 2011, the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) published its consultation document, ‘Empowering and protecting consumers – consultation on institutional change for provision of consumer information, advice, education, advocacy and enforcement’.  The Government wishes to empower consumers to make wise decisions when purchasing goods and services.  Its proposals for reform have been guided by the following objectives:

  • Reducing complexity of the consumer landscape
  • Strengthening the effectiveness of consumer enforcement
  • More cost-effective delivery, closer to the consumer front line


The consultation ends on 27 September 2011.



  1. Lodge copy of NAO report in Members’ library
  2. Report on response to BIS consultation at 5 September 2011 meeting


Stronger Communities


Oxfordshire Safer Communities Partnership are preparing to change its structure to reflect the new role of Police Commissioner.  Though the law was still being drafted around this new position, it was thought best to consider options sooner rather than later.  The new role would strengthen co-ordination and communication across Oxfordshire which is important given that the Basic Command Unit model has been abolished.


Drugs, Alcohol and Treatment (DAAT) consultation


DAAT are consulting on its proposals for a new business model.  This will place recovery from addiction at the centre of its work. Members were appreciative of the one page summary provided.



Lodge consultation documents in Members’ library.


Gypsy and Travellers Service

Colin Thomas informed the committee that the service has been invited to tender to run the London Borough of Kensington & Chelsea Gypsy and Travellers Service.  Colin noted that this is further recognition of the outstanding work carried by Oxfordshire’s service.


Councillor Judith Heathcoat informed the committee that tender has been submitted.



Fire at Didcot Power Station


A fire was tackled at Didcot Power Station on 21 June 2011. Colin reported that the fire was a low level incident, but given the sensitivity of the site (it is one of the main sources of energy for the South East of England) a press release was issued.  Cllr Lilly asked Colin Thomas to thank those fire crews who did a splendid task & thus avoid what could have been a more serious situation.



Power outage in central Oxford, 27 June 2011


A Scottish Electric sub-station failure happened on 27 June 2011.   Much of central Oxford was without power including the Clarenden Centre which houses the council’s computer servers.   The power failure automatically triggered a controlled shut down of computer applications which meant that PCs etc were not functional for much of the day.


Colin Thomas said that the council is investing in generators at Clarendon and in County Hall as well as a back up centre based at the Fire & Rescue Headquarters in Kidlington which will mean that future events of this nature will have less impact on services.


Members requested an update on actions.


Members’ questions and discussion


Discussion focused on provision of DAAT consultation documents and power failure.


Councillors John Sanders and Susanna Pressel argued that the committee was not in a position to scrutinise the DAAT consultation if papers were not provided.  Councillor Pressel added that the consultation should have been formerly tabled for discussion at committee, and was adamant that the committee should have a role to play in this consultation.


John Jackson commented that historically the council’s involvement with DAAT was via the Adult Social Care committee, however he understood her point that checks should be undertaken to ensure that appropriate committees have sight of documents relevant to their remit in the future.


Councillor john Sanders was worried that concerns may not be picked up if documents are not scrutinised by all relevant committees.



Councillor Stewart Lilly to arrange for consultation documents are made available to committee and will to speak to Cabinet Member on how best to co-ordinate


Councillor John Goddard noted that this is not the first major power failure which has shut down central Oxford.  Commenting on Colin Thomas’s remarks that the council has invested in new generator systems and a Disaster Recovery Centre, he said that this not engaging with the root cause of the problem, namely the energy suppliers.


Councillor Susanna Pressel suggested that the committee recommend that the Cabinet write to Scottish Power to ask why central Oxford is subject to regular power failures.  Councillor Bill Service added that this is a countywide matter, and that all energy suppliers should be contacted.


Councillor John Sanders asked if the council has a Service level Agreement with Scottish Power.



  1. Councillor Stewart Lilly will raise matter with Cabinet Member.


Councillor John Goddard requested further information on the role of the police Commissioner.


John Jackson, Director, Social and Community services reported on:


Cogges Museum


Trust signing lease on 4 July 2011.  A separate sub-lease will need to be signed regarding the land adjacent to the museum.  Preparations are progressing to open on 17 July as are plans for a summer programme of events.  However,  he regretfully reported that the Director of the trust had resigned.


It was noted that a new Director has been appointed.




Compared to when proposals to amend the provision of the library  service were first announced in late 2010, correspondence in this area is relatively quiet.  Individual libraries and communities have raised specific questions, but many want to work with their locality on provision.


The main issues being thought through at the moment were concerned with how volunteering might work, and the support needed for volunteers.  John Jackson said that he would be publishing his thinking on these matters.  It was noted that proposals on volunteering were available on the library pages on the Council website.




Councillor John Goddard welcomed the shift in substance and attitude, but said that John Jackson had not mentioned:

  • Job losses as a means of reducing costs, and what consultation was taking place on this
  • Costs and savings associated with new systems
  • Income generation by libraries


John Jackson said that there were still expectations of job losses, and that the Library Service was considering the following:

  • Single person operation in mobile libraries
  • Scope to organise Holton back office in order to make savings
  • Savings from community/community+ funding
  • Central library reductions due to introduction of a self-service system


He stressed that managers had been briefed prior to the consultation being published, and that changes would be phased in over three years.  Furthermore, changes do not impact on this year’s budget, but will do so next year and will be considered as part of the service and resource planning process.


Councillor Don Seale also welcomed change in attitude.  He said that the council never said that they were going to close libraries, and there was a positive inclination to keep all libraries open.  He added that the Adult Social Services budget might be reduced as a consequence of the decision to keep libraries open, and reminded the committee of the case of Birmingham City Council which was stopped by a court from reducing its Adult Social Care expenditure.  Finally, he commented that budgets were limited and that the financial position of the Library service would remain precarious over the next two to three years.


John Jackson advised members to read the proposals which identified which libraries are part of an efficient system, and those which are not efficient.