Agenda item

Thames Valley Police: Presentation and Q&A


The presentation from the Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police will cover performance in priority crime and other measures such as confidence and satisfaction. The presentation will highlight some key processes that are underway to improve performance and productivity.

Chief Constable Sara Thornton QPM will attend for this item.

The Committee is invited to question the Chief Constable regarding the Plan.




Sara Thornton, Chief Constable, Thames Valley Police gave presentation.


Management comment


Chief Constable spoke about|:


  • Strategy for 3 years; 2011-2014
  • Crime levels and performance of force during past year
  • Budget


Strategy for 3 years, 2011-2014


               To cut crimes that are of most concern to the community

               To increase the visible presence of the Police

               To protect our communities from the most serious harm

               To improve communication with the public in order to build  trust and confidence in our communities

               To tackle bureaucracy and develop the professional skills of all staff

               To reduce costs and protect the frontline


Delivery Plan targets for 2011-2012:


To cut crimes that are of most concern to the community

·        Reduce the level of violence against the person by 12%

·        Reduce serious acquisitive crime by 5%

·        Increase the detection rate for violence against the person with injury to 42%

·        Increase the detection rate for serious acquisitive crime to 15%

·        Maintain the detection rate for serious sexual assault above 25%

·        Improve satisfaction levels for victims of domestic burglary, violence and vehicle crime above those achieved at 2010/11 year end


To increase the visible presence of the police

·        Increase the number of Special Constables to 700

·        Achieve an annual recruitment target of 10% BME for Police Officers, PCSOs and Special Constables


Protect our communities from the most serious harm

·        Increase the number of confiscation orders achieved by 5%


Crime levels and performance of force during past year


Data showed good performance against targets for serious acquisitive crime and violence against the person with injury.  Number of Special Constables for the area remained stable, and confidence in the police and satisfaction with overall experience showed an improvement in the year.



Thames Valley police face a £52m reduction over 4 years.  The Chief Constable explained that Police Grant was reduced across the board with no consideration given to local differences.  However, Thames Valley Police are in the middle range of budget reduction.


£47m savings has been identified via the force’s Productivity Strategy, and a Zero Based Budget approach is always taken when drafting budget.  Locally changes have been made to the managerial structure, and plans are in place to utilise technology better.




Main areas covered:


In response to a question from the Chairman, the Chief Constable said that though the priority is to protect the frontline a balanced approach must be taken to ensure that the proper ‘back office’ support is available.  Otherwise efficiency gains may be undermined.


Councillor John Godden asked how targets are set, and was informed that they are set by the Thames Valley Police Authority in a public meeting.  Police areas are grouped in ‘families’ to allow comparisons to be made.


Councillor Patrick Greene asked for data on fixed speeding cameras since they were re-activated.  He also asked for information about the number of motorcyclists caught speeding.  The Chief Constable said that she would have the details sent after the meeting.


Councillor Bill Service asked if the trial at Berkshire/Oxfordshire border on lorries only using inside lane of A34 at certain times should be extended to the whole of the A34.  The Chief Constable replied that she would ask Road Policing for their view.


The Chairman thanked the Chief Constable for her presentation, and for the work of the police in Oxfordshire.