
Oxfordshire Health & Wellbeing Board - Thursday, 26 September 2024 2.00 pm

Venue: Room 2&3 - County Hall, New Road, Oxford OX1 1ND. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:

Link: video link

No. Item


Welcome by Chair


Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


Declarations of Interest - see guidance note below


Petitions and Public Address

Members of the public who wish to speak at this meeting can attend the meeting in person or ‘virtually’ through an online connection.


To facilitate ‘hybrid’ meetings we are asking that requests to speak or present a petition are submitted by no later than 9am four working days before the meeting i.e., 9am on <<DATE>>.  Requests to speak should be sent to


If you are speaking ‘virtually’, you may submit a written statement of your presentation to ensure that your views are taken into account. A written copy of your statement can be provided no later than 9am 2 working days before the meeting. Written submissions should be no longer than 1 A4 sheet.


Note of Decisions of Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 453 KB

To approve the Note of Decisions of the meeting held on 14th March 2024 (HBW5) and to receive information arising from them.


ICB Update

The Board to receive a verbal update.


Marmot Place pdf icon PDF 228 KB

Report by Corporate Director of Public Health.


Oxfordshire faces significant inequality despite being a county of relative high affluence. A range of work programmes exist that see to address these inequalities, but there is not a unifying umbrella or methodology that guides these activities, and it is difficult to know how effective the range of action is.


This paper summarises an opportunity to partner with Professor Michael Marmot’s Institute of Health Equity (IHE) who are the leading international experts in approaches to addressing social determinants of health to review our current activity and support more effective action going forward.


The strategic aims of this partnership would be to:


  1. Provide a high-quality evidence based external review of the range of activities happening in Oxfordshire to tackle health inequality and inform potential gaps.
  2. Act as a glue to bring together all activities to tackle health and social inequalities across Oxfordshire.
  3. Provide a corporate evaluative framework for above initiatives across Oxfordshire.
  4. Enable to measure rural inequality and take effective actions.
  5. Mobilise our policy research to find innovative solution to tackle health inequality and help secure external funding for future work.


This approach supports the implementation of the Oxfordshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy agreed by the Board in December 2023.




The Health and Wellbeing Board is RECOMMENDED to


Endorse the proposed partnership with the Institute of Health Equity to develop Oxfordshire as a Marmot Place to advance our local programmes of work to tackle health inequalities in Oxfordshire, noting the rationale for this work and its connection into the new Oxfordshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


Agree to act as the existing system partnership board that has oversight of the developing Marmot Place work programme, and receive updates on progress at future Board meetings.



Additional documents:


Prevention of Homelessness Directors Group pdf icon PDF 321 KB

Report by Director of Adult Social Care


This report provides a progress update on the work that has been undertaken in relation to homelessness services in Oxfordshire to improve support following the Safeguarding Adults Review in 2020, specifically “The Alliance”, which is overseen by the Prevention of Homelessness Directors’ Group. The report provides an update on progress made, a summary of current activity and an overview of current and future challenges.




a)    The Health and Wellbeing Board is RECOMMENDED to note the report.


b)    The Health and Wellbeing Board is RECOMMENDED to consider the frequency of further updates.



Additional documents:


Oxfordshire JSNA Update pdf icon PDF 536 KB

Report by Corporate Director of Public Health.


The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a statutory annual report provided to the Health and Wellbeing Board and published in full on Oxfordshire Insight. It provides an evidence base for the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and is an opportunity for an annual discussion about the key issues and trends from a review of a very wide range of health-related information about Oxfordshire.





The Health and Wellbeing Board is RECOMMENDED to:


1.    Approve the content of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for 2024 and encourage widespread use of this information in planning, developing and evaluating services across the county.


2.    Contribute information and intelligence to the JSNA Steering Group to further the development of the JSNA in future years, and to participate in making information more accessible to everyone.


3.    Note requirements and plans for publishing the update of the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment.


4. Agree to the proposed approach and plan to align PNA workplan and steering group with ICS partners. Including a PNA publication date of 1st October 2025.



Oxfordshire Better Care Fund 2023-25 Update pdf icon PDF 631 KB

Director of Adult Social Services.


This report sets out the background and summary of the Better Care Fund Plan for 2024-25 for the Health and Wellbeing Board. It follows the same structure as the briefing given to the Health and Wellbeing Board Chair before submission of the Plan in July – see paragraph 5.


BCF Plans are owned and approved by the Health & Wellbeing Board on behalf of the Council and Integrated Care Board and other partners. As such, the Board approves the Plan each year.


Our 2-year BCF plan for 2023-2025 was assured and approved by the Health and Wellbeing Board in June 2023. The 2024-25 plan is intended to be an interim update.


This year, the July meeting of the Board was suspended due to the General Election. The Health and Wellbeing Board Chair therefore approved the Plan in a separate briefing meeting held on 2 July and attended by BCF leads and the Corporate Director for Adult Social Care. During the meeting, the Chair was asked:


a.             To note the system-wide development and planning process for the 24/25 BCF plan.

b.             To note and approve the recommended schemes for BCF funding 24/25.

c.              To note the trajectories for BCF metrics & demand and capacity plan per the above schemes as agreed by the Urgent and Emergency Care board on 23May.

d.             To note and approve the plan to manage the implementation, spend, impact and long-term funding and efficiency approach proposals relating to approved schemes in a monthly BCF steering group which will report quarterly to UEC board and Place Based Partnership.

e.             To approve submission of the final BCF 24/25 plan to NHS England

f.               To support delegation to Adult Social Care Lead Karen Fuller to submit routine reports to NHS England and escalate any performance issues to HWB by exception.




The Oxfordshire Health and Wellbeing Board is RECOMMENDED to


Note the Oxfordshire Better Care Fund Plan for 2024-25, as approved by the Health and Wellbeing Board Chair via delegated authority on 2 July 2024 and NHS England on 23 August 2024.


Additional documents:


Outcomes Framework pdf icon PDF 282 KB

Report by Director of Adult Social Services.


The Health and Wellbeing Board approved a new strategy in December 2023, with the priorities split between 4 thematic areas of Start Well, Live Well, Age Well and Building Blocks of Health. Delivery against the ambitions within the strategy is the responsibility of all organisations represented on the Board and is supported by an Outcomes Framework agreed by the Board in March 2024 .  

The Board has agreed to receive a rotating update on delivery of 1 of the 4 strategy themes at its quarterly meetings, meaning that over the course of a 12-month period an update on each theme would be presented once. This report is the first annual report of the thematic domain of Age Well covering:


·       Priority 5: Maintaining Independence

o   We will support more older residents to remain independent and healthy for longer. We will ensure they are always treated with dignity and are fully valued.


·       Priority 6: Strong social relationships

o   Everyone in Oxfordshire should be able to flourish by building, maintaining, and re-establishing strong social relationships. We want to reduce levels of loneliness and social isolation, especially among rural areas.


The performance report in Annex 2 presents the data for our Key Outcome and Supporting Indicators selected for these two priorities. As this is the first year of the current Health and Wellbeing Strategy, many of the measures we will use to monitor its success have not had targets for the previous year. For each measure we have therefore produced trend data and where possible compared Oxfordshire’s performance with the national performance. The performance annex includes actions for any measures where the direction of travel is of poorer performance or any measures with targets where the measure is not on target.




The Health and Wellbeing Board is RECOMMENDED to note the progress on the delivery of priorities 5 & 6 under the thematic domain of Age Well within the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.



Additional documents:


Update on Unpaid Carers Strategy pdf icon PDF 345 KB

Report by Director of Adult Social Care.


Following the decision of the Health and Wellbeing Board on 16th March 2023, Oxfordshire’s All-age Unpaid Carers Strategy was co-produced with carers and published in Autumn 2023, based on the priorities expressed by carers and strategic review of supporting carers in Oxfordshire.


Following the approval of the Strategy, an Action Plan was developed bringing together all the activities and commitments from all organisations in line with their own remit under each priority of the Strategy.


The Carers Strategy Oversight Group was established with representatives from all statutory and voluntary organisations and carers to oversee the implementation of the Strategy.


This report summarises the progress as reported by the organisations on the activities they carried out in the first three quarters of the implementation.




1.             The Health and Wellbeing Board is RECOMMENDED to


·       Note the progress achieved in the first three quarters of the implementation of the All-age Unpaid Carers Strategy and the Action Plan.

·       Approve the mechanisms established to monitor the progress against the Strategy’s agreed priorities and reporting progress to the Health and Wellbeing Board.

·       Comment on the progress achieved to date and make recommendations for ensuring faster progress in the coming months.

·       Note that the Place Based Partnership will be accountable for progress and ensuring all health partners are meeting their commitments under the Strategy.



Report from Healthwatch Oxfordshire pdf icon PDF 134 KB

To report on views of health care gathered by Healthwatch Oxfordshire.



Reports from Partnership Boards pdf icon PDF 365 KB

To receive updates from Partnership Boards. Reports from –

·       Place Base Partnerships

·       Health Improvement Board; and

·       Children’s Trust Board


Additional documents:


Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 187 KB

Members to note the items on the Forward Work Programme.