Agenda and minutes

Safer & Stronger Communities Scrutiny Committee - Monday, 18 June 2012 10.00 am

Venue: County Hall, Oxford, OX1 1ND

Contact: Kathrin Luddecke, Tel: (01865) 323965  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


Councillor Charles Mathew substituted for Councillor Anthony Gearing. Councillor Ray Jelf substituted for Councillor Carol Viney.


Declarations of Interest - see guidance note on the back page


The chairman declared an interest under item 10 in his position as chairman of the trustees of the Bicester Citizens Advice Bureau.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 120 KB

To approve the minutes of the meetings held on 30 April (SSC3a) and to note for information any matters arising from them.

To also approve the minutes of the meeting on 15th May 2012 (SSC3b), to appoint the Chairman & Deputy Chairman for 2012/13

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meetings held on 30 April and 15 May (SSC3a, b) were approved as a correct record and signed by the chairman.


Matters arising from the meeting of 30 April:

·        Item 14/12: Councillor Lilly had liaised with the council’s Business Continuity Manager and gave an update about feedback from those affected

·        Item 22/12: Councillor Pressel queried progress with fundraising efforts and discussions about City archives; Karen Warren responded with a brief update

·        Item 23/12: confirmed the committee’s draft forward plan would be circulated


Speaking to or petitioning the Committee


There were no speakers or petitions.


Director's Update - Registration, Coroner's Services and Cultural Services



The Head of Law and Governance, Peter Clark, will give a verbal update on key issues affecting relevant services.


The Head of Law and Governance, Peter Clark, gave a verbal update on the Registration, Coroner’s, Library, Museums, History and Archives services. He highlighted particular achievements and changes, including two new appointments:

·        Darren Salter will replace Nicholas G Gardiner as Coroner for Oxfordshire

·        Karen Warren has been appointed as Cultural Services Manager.


Members of the committee:

·        Expressed their thanks to Nicholas G Gardiner for his dedicated work over 40 years and wished him a happy and long retirement

·        Congratulated Karen on her appointment.


They also paid tribute to the Registration and Coroner’s Service for their contribution to the 36 repatriations to date and to the Jubilee citizenship celebrations.


Review of Mobile Library Services pdf icon PDF 52 KB



As part of the County Council's commitment to delivering a comprehensive, high quality and efficient library service, a review of mobile library services is to be undertaken to ensure that these can complement and add value to the library network, in a cost effective way that makes efficient use of resources to deliver library services at the point of need. Jillian Southwell, Library Service Manager, will provide an overview of the proposed review (SSC6). 


The committee is invited to comment on the proposals.


Councillor Heathcoat, the Cabinet Member for Cultural Services, introduced this item, noting that:


·        Oxfordshire Library Services’ aim is to be a service that is fit for purpose and the 21st century, with a static and mobile service that complement each other and provide a comprehensive service

·        The proposed review of mobile services is about efficiencies not cuts, with single staffing introduced on two routes and a third of savings already delivered

·        Its scope is to review stops and timetables with a view not to reduce the service, but deliver it to more people, meeting individual and local community needs.


Jillian Southwell, Library Service Manager, followed on giving further details about the background, aims and format of the proposed review. She answered a range of questions from members including about different elements of the service, usage and promotion. She invited the committee to consider how it could support the work of the project group and stakeholders identified.


AGREED that selected committee members will be a stakeholder in the proposed review, with the chairman to confirm members to be involved.


Oxfordshire Adult Learning - Update pdf icon PDF 148 KB



Vicky Field, Operational HR Manager, and Mike Bardsley, Skills and Learning Manager, will give an update on the service (SSC7).


The committee is invited to note and discuss the update.


The chairman noted that while this update had been requested by the committee, responsibility for Adult Learning is expected to lie to Councillor Tilley, Cabinet Member for Education, and a different scrutiny committee in future. Councillor Heathcoat confirmed that the service had not been part of her portfolio since October 2011.


Vicky Field, Operational HR Manager, and Mike Bardsley, Skills and Learning Manager, presented the report circulated (SSC7) and responded to questions raised by members. Areas discussed included the very positive recent Ofsted report, location of learning centres and provision from other venues, balance of in-house and other providers, outcomes and targets for learners, the First Steps programme and trends for English as a Second Language (ESOL) provision.


AGREED that Mike Bardsley will circulate information about courses and numbers of learners. Also AGREED for details of comments made by members to be passed on to the relevant scrutiny committee taking on responsibility for the service.


Director's Update - Fire & Rescue and Community Safety



The Chief Fire Officer and Head of Community Safety, David Etheridge, will give a verbal update on key issues affecting relevant services.


David Etheridge, Chief Fire Officer and Head of Community Safety, updated the committee about key issues. These included the Police and Crime Commissioner and Panel and an update about prosecutions following the accidental death of four Warwickshire fire fighters.


Councillor Mathew asked for thanks to be recorded for Joe Wilkins’ contribution to the Eynsham Fire Service who lost his life in a cycling accident three weeks ago.


Regulatory & Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) - Update pdf icon PDF 81 KB



Richard Webb, Acting Head of Trading Standards and Community Safety, will present an update on the use of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 by Oxfordshire County Council for consideration by the committee (SSC9a, b).


The Act regulates the use of covert activities by Local Authorities and creates the statutory framework by which covert surveillance activities may be lawfully undertaken. Special authorisation arrangements need to be put in place whenever a Local Authority considers commencing covert surveillance or considers obtaining information by the use of informants or officers acting in an undercover capacity.

Codes of Practice issued under the Act provide guidance to authorities on the use of the Act. A revised Code of Practice came into force in April 2010. The Code of Practice specifies that elected members should review the authority's use of the Act and set the policy at least once a year. They should also consider internal reports on the use of the Act periodically.

Additional documents:


Richard Webb, Acting Head of Trading Standards and Community Safety, explained the legal requirement for information on the council’s use of its powers under the Act to be brought to the committee and spoke to the report circulated (SSC9).


Richard Webb indicated that the government’s commitment to change local authorities’ rights to surveillance is likely to require changes to the council’s policy in the autumn. He explained the main direction of the proposed changes and requested the committee to authorise the Head of Legal Services and the Director of Social and Community Services to make any changes required. This was moved, seconded and AGREED by the committee, subject to a report being brought back to the committee at the appropriate time.


Consumer Protection - Update



Richard Webb, Acting Head of Trading Standards and Community Safety, will give a verbal update to the committee.


Followed by a BREAK 11.45


Richard Webb, Acting Head of Trading Standards and Community Safety, presented an update based on changes announced by the government in its report on Empowering and Protecting Consumers. He noted that the Oxfordshire consortium of Citizens Advice Bureaus (CAB) is receiving funding from Citizens Advice at national level for a consumer empowerment pilot project. Trading Standards remains responsible for enforcement and is involved in the project.


Discussion included:

·        The National Trading Standards Board will have one representative from the South East region excluding London, representing 19 local authorities

·        Chain of accountability allowing issues based on evidence to be brought up from the grassroots

·        Respective responsibilities and close liaison between Oxfordshire CABs and Trading Standards in dealing with enquiries.


In response to a question by Councillor Pressel, it was AGREED for Richard Webb to circulate the report by Citizens Advice nationally about the consumer advice service for which it is now responsible, once received.


OFRS Retained Duty System Development pdf icon PDF 70 KB



The Retained Duty System is a longstanding and largely effective method of crewing operational fire stations / appliances for rural and semi-rural Fire and Rescue Services.  However, the system’s effectiveness and longevity is increasingly challenged by a range of societal and legislative factors. Colin Thomas, Deputy Chief Fire Officer, will present a report about proposals to develop the retained duty system within the Oxfordshire Fire & Rescue Service (SSC11).


The committee is invited to comment on the proposals.


Colin Thomas, Deputy Chief Fire Officer, spoke to the report circulated (SSC11). He noted the great commitment by retained fire fighters and the reliance of the service on both its whole-time and retained staff. He highlighted recent innovation to allow more flexible use of all resources and the close working with retained staff themselves in continuing to make improvements, as part of the service’s Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) reported to the committee on previous occasions.


Discussion included Health & Safety in the context of reduced incident numbers, targeted recruitment and the Oxfordshire service attracting a greater than average proportion of female retained staff. Councillor Pressel requested more detailed information which Colin Thomas undertook to send her.


AGREED that selected committee members will be involved in supporting this work. The chairman undertook to confirm details based on expressions of interest.


Safe and Secure Olympic Games pdf icon PDF 147 KB



Colin Thomas, Deputy Chief Fire Officer, will present a report about plans for a safe and secure Olympic Games in Oxfordshire (SSC12).


Oxfordshire County Council is taking a lead role in relation to Olympic Torch Relay and Olympic / Paralympic Games planning. The report highlights the key roles county council services and teams are performing in relation to the Olympic / Paralympic event preparations from a civil contingencies perspective. The overarching aim is to provide a safe and secure Oxfordshire both in the run up to and throughout the period of the Games. The committee is invited to note the report.


Colin Thomas, Deputy Chief Fire Officer, spoke to the report circulated (SSC12). He highlighted that training and exercises undertaken are not specific to this particular event; the benefits and experience gained from them will be retained within the organisation. This work is part of the service’s regular business, working closely with others in the council and the statutory Thames Valley Resilience Forum; no additional staff have been appointed or financial resources committed.


Road Safety - Update pdf icon PDF 489 KB



Colin Thomas, Deputy Chief Fire Officer, will present an update on the positive progress made since the transfer of management of the Road Safety team to Oxfordshire Fire & Rescue Service in April 2011 (SSC13).

The committee is invited to note the successful transfer and the flexibility and professionalism displayed by the Road Safety team members and make any suggestions on the programme in the future.


Colin Thomas, Deputy Chief Fire Officer, spoke to the report circulated (SSC13). As requested by committee members, the update focuses on the positive progress in integrating the Road Safety team into the Fire & Rescue Service since its transfer just over a year ago. He noted that strong links to the Environment & Economy directorate remain in place and referred to their annual report.


In discussions, members also noted concern about cycling accidents in particular and made suggestions on helping schools recruit and thank volunteers for cyclist training. Noted as a correction that table 10 Appendix 6 gives information for the first four months of the current year; previous years are covered in other tables. Officers agreed that while overall trends were downward there is no room for complacency. The role of the Police in enforcement was also noted.


Councillor Heathcoat referred to the work of the Junior Citizen Trust Oxfordshire which she chairs and which is supported by the service, offering advice in different settings to around 4,500 children a year.


In response to a question by Councillor Goddard, David Etheridge noted that he has recently taken on national responsibility for Road Safety, as a dedicated work stream within the Chief Fire Officers Association. This is due to statutory responsibility for Road Safety education, training and publicity having transferred to the Oxfordshire Fire & Rescue Service as one of the first in the UK (see Appendix 1). The Department for Transport’s new strategic framework for road safety includes making available information and data to facilitate intelligence-led management and monitoring going forward.


AGREED for a future update to cover developments under the new national framework and to involve Environment & Economy. Colin Thomas undertook to ensure Councillor Greene receives information in relation to concerns about road safety raised by a local school governor.


Briefing about Equality Act and Equality Duty pdf icon PDF 103 KB



The chairman will present a briefing on the Equality Act 2010 and the Equality Duty, and the possible impacts of these for the committee to consider (SSC14).


The chairman spoke to the report circulated (SSC14), having attended a national briefing on the Equality Act 2010 and the Equality Duty. The purpose of bringing this item to the committee was to help scrutiny be mindful of implications.


In response to a question by Councillor Pressel he noted that meeting the Equality Duty does not mean that impacts on particular groups can always be avoided. However, the council needs to be able to demonstrate that it has considered these as part of its decision making and that proportionate actions are taken in mitigation.


Forward Plan



AGREED for the committee officer to circulate the committee’s draft work plan in advance of the next meeting.


Close of Meeting



The meeting finished at 1.20pm.