Issue - meetings

HIF1 Grant Determination Agreement

Meeting: 16/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 8.)

8. Didcot Garden Town Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF1) - Amendments to the Grant Determination Agreement pdf icon PDF 400 KB

Cabinet Member: Infrastructure and Development Strategy

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/198

Contact: Timothy Mann, Programme Lead,uk


Report by Director of Environment and Highways (CA8)


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to;


a)    Approve the proposed changes to the Grant Determination Agreement (GDA) as set out in paragraphs 13 and 14 of the report; and


b)    Authorise the Director of Environment and Highways, in consultation with the Director of Law & Governance, Executive Director of Resources and Section 151 officer, Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Development Strategy and Cabinet Member for Finance to finalise the terms of, and enter into, the amended Grant Determination Agreement.



Additional documents:


Recommendations approved (7 voting in favour, 1 against and 1 abstention)