Issue - meetings

Headington London Road Shared Use Facility from Gladstone Road to Wharton Road

Meeting: 27/02/2014 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Environment (including Transport) (Item 11)

11 Headington London Road Shared Use Facility from Gladstone Road to Wharton Road pdf icon PDF 317 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2013/173

Contact: Stephen Fitzgerald, Technician – Development Scheme Tel: (01865) 815797


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy – Commercial & Delivery (CMDE5).





Agreed subject to amendment in bold italics


The Cabinet Member considered (CMDE5) the results of a formal consultation on proposals to convert a length of footway on London Road between Gladstone Road and Wharton Road, to a segregated shared use facility  for use by pedestrians and cyclists. 


Councillor Roz Smith thanked county officers for meeting local groups. She fully supported measures to improve cycling but had some concerns regarding proposals for shared use along London Road and the potential for conflict between residents reversing out of driveways and at Stile over right of way.  She asked that further consideration be given to this element of the scheme. 


Councillor Sanders supported clearer delineation between cyclists and pedestrians.


Mr Fitzgerald advised that the main factor was funding and whilst a raised painted line could be provided for segregation it raised issues of safety and future maintenance.  Consistency was needed along the route but these issues could be further considered at the design stage.


Mr Warren advised that since publication of this report the intention was now to proceed with this phase concurrently with the other 2 schemes and in order to achieve that an amendment would be required to the recommendation to provide for delivery in 2014/15 and not 2013/14 as printed.


The Cabinet Member stated that he was not a supporter of cycling on busy roads. However, having regard to that, the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above he confirmed his decision as follows:


to approve the conversion of the length of footway on London Road, between Gladstone Road and Wharton Road to segregated shared use facility as shown in Annex 1 to this report and to progress its delivery in 2014/15.




Cabinet Member for Environment


Date of signing……………………..