Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement
Tuesday, 7 July 2009


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Division(s): Witney South






NAME OF SCHEME:       Henry Box School, Witney – New Music Facilities Classrooms


START YEAR:                 2009/10


BASIS OF ESTIMATE:     Jacobs estimate based on agreed scheme





The existing music accommodation at Henry Box School is considered inadequate in terms of the number and type of curriculum and support spaces.


This project will provide a new, purpose designed, building to accommodate the school’s music faculty. The new building will include:


·        3 music rooms

·        Ensemble room

·        7 music practice rooms

·        Recording studio

·        Faculty staff base

·        Storage

·        WC Facilities (including facilities for disabled users)


The new building is currently planned to complete in 2010 to coincide with the school’s 350th anniversary. A public consultation event was held at the school on the 27 April to allow local people to view the plans of the proposed building and discuss the project with the architects.


This project is in line with the principles established in the Site Development Plan for the school, establishes key accommodation issues and identifies a phased approach to implementing improvements within the framework of an overall vision for the school site.


The building will be located on land at the school which Oxfordshire County Council leases from the Witney Education Foundation. Appropriate legal agreements will be in place between the County Council and the Trustees before any construction work is undertaken.




The CYP&F Asset Management Plan identifies the need to improve the music accommodation at Henry Box School as a priority. This reflects the high proportion of pupils taught in unsuitable accommodation and the inadequacy of the facilities in relation to the projected size of the school.


Current accommodation is very limited. One of the existing music classrooms is below the recommended minimum size and its shape presents problems in the delivery of the curriculum. The main accommodation problems are:

·        Lack of a ‘third music classroom space.

·        No ensemble room.

·        No recording studio.

·        Inadequate storage provision resulting in classroom spaces and circulation areas being used to store both school and pupil’s equipment.

·        Several of the music practice rooms are located on the first floor. These rooms have poor acoustic separation, are difficult to supervise and the access via a domestic style staircase presents problems for the movement of equipment and resources. There is no disabled access to the first floor.

·        Further music rooms are provided in former police cells in the adjoining building.


The number of required music facilities has been calculated in line with DCSF Building Bulletin 98 (BB98) (Briefing Framework for Secondary School Projects) for a school size of 1450 places, inclusive of 240-250 VI form. This will ensure sufficient accommodation is provided for the school to accommodate forecast pupil numbers


Detailed room requirements are in line DCSF Building Bulletin 86 (BB86) (Music Accommodation in Secondary Schools – a Design Guide).


The new building will provide purpose built music accommodation in line with OCC requirements and BB86. In particular the project will result in:

·        New facilities that will help the school to broaden the music curriculum, particularly with regard to Music Technology, an increasingly popular subject.

·        Improved access to facilities for disabled users by providing full access to music facilities in accordance with DDA and Building Regulation requirements.

·        Implementation of phase 1 of the Site Development Plan will open up possibilities for the implementation of improvements to other areas such as Business & Enterprise, Sixth Form and Learning Support.

·        Improved music accommodation for community use. The school is currently a Yamaha Music Centre used by the local community.


At the end of the project the vacated music accommodation will be utilised to address other shortfalls in accommodation at the school and the cost of any alterations to this area will be funded by the school outside of this project. At the end of the project an aged ‘HORSA’ building will be removed from the site.

3.                OTHER OPTIONS


A feasibility study was undertaken to identify the most cost effective way of addressing the music accommodation problems at the school. This included looking at a number of different options for locating any new building on the site, considering single and 2 storey options and various locations and design solutions.


The preferred option is considered to provide the most economical solution with due regard to the unique nature of the school site whilst at the same time seeking to minimise the impact of the footprint of a new building.




(i)                 Capital


The estimated capital cost of the project, including professional fees, is £1,366m Funding for the project is expected to be met from S.106 developer contributions secured through the planning process in respect of residential development in Witney.


(ii)               Revenue 


Day to day revenue costs will be met through the schools delegated budget.


(iii)             Risk


An assessment of risk has been carried out by Property Services and Jacobs and a Risk Register is being maintained for the project. The project costs include an OCC Project Manager contingency of £40,000


(iv)              Whole Life Appraisal


The County Council’s property consultant, Jacobs, has been required to utilise whole life appraisal techniques during the design phase and bring forward recommendations that take account of energy efficiency, repair and maintenance and durability.




The school site is within a Conservation Area and there are several listed buildings on the site including;


·        The Mary Box building - Grade II* listed (DoE ref 11/36).

·        The former Rectory/Trelawny House (1723) – Grade II* (DoE ref 11/79)

·        The Old Police Station - Grade II (DoE ref 11/78)


The project takes into account the unique nature of the site and the prominent location of the school. Full planning permission for the project will be obtained before any work commences on site.


A number of ecological surveys have been undertaken to inform the location, design and construction of the new building.


It is recognised that the project will not necessarily match the assessment criteria of the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM). It will however seek to meet those principles and seek to achieve the level of ‘GOOD’



Director for Children, Young People & Families Directorate



Assistant Chief Executive & Chief Finance Officer



Head of Property, Environment & Economy


Contact:          Kevin Griffin,

Service Manager,

School Organisation & Planning,

Children, Young People and Families Directorate

Tel: (01865) 816457


June 2009


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