Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement
Tuesday, 6 March 2007


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Division(s): N/A




Report by Director for Children, Young People & Families


  1. Every five years a Local Authority is required to review its Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (RE). The process is activated by the Standing Advisory Council for RE (SACRE) who request the Local Authority to set up an Agreed Syllabus Conference. (ASC) The ASC is a statutory body, empowered to determine the Agreed Syllabus for the County. The membership of the ASC is determined by law with four committees: World religions and Christian denominations, Church of England, Local Authority (Councillors), Teachers.
  2. The Agreed Syllabus Conference has unanimously recommended that a new syllabus is adopted. Where it appears to the Local Authority that the Syllabus "reflects the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian while taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions represented in Great Britain, the authority may give effect to the recommendation". (Schedule 312 of the Education Act 1996).
  3. The Process of Review

  4. The Agreed Syllabus Conference was set up in March 2005 and has subsequently met on four occasions, (June 2005, November 2005, May 2006, and December 2006). Some members of the ASC have acted as a Writing Group and have met on a regular basis, reporting back to the full Conference. Schools have been consulted through a questionnaire and there have been detailed consultations with the various faith groups. All representatives on the ASC have contributed through meetings and written comments.

  5. The Brief of the Agreed Syllabus Conference

  6. The brief of the ASC was to review the current syllabus (published 1999) and draft a new document. The National Non Statutory Framework for RE (published 2004 QCA/DfES) was used as a reference document alongside the review of a range of new syllabuses from other LAs. The detailed review of documents and the drafting of the new syllabus has been carried out by the Writing Group. The full Conference has received reports at each meeting.
  7.   Key Points of the Revised Agreed Syllabus

  8. (i) it is based on the National Non Statutory Framework for RE, currently being used by many LAs in the writing of Agreed Syllabuses;
  9. (ii) it builds on the current syllabus with much of the subject content being retained but it also includes a focus on Every Child Matters, the contribution RE makes to Citizenship, Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development and the inclusion agenda;

    (iii) there is a clear focus on assessment requirements enabling teachers to plan for raising achievement through challenging units of work;

    (iv) it requires that by the end of Key Stage 4, all students will have had the opportunity to study the major world religions with Christianity being studied on a regular basis.

    Financial and Staff Implications

  10. Minimal expenses are involved in the printing and distribution of the Syllabus through the EES budget.

  12. The Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement is RECOMMENDED to confirm the revised Agreed Syllabus for Oxfordshire with effect from September 2008 and to agree its dissemination to schools.

    (Statement of Decision)

Director for Head of Children Young People & Families

Background papers: Nil

Contact Officer: Isobel Vale, Schools Adviser, RE Specialist, Tel: (01865) 428075

February 2007

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