Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement
Tuesday, 6 March 2007


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Division(s): Didcot South




Report by Director for Children, Young People & Families


  1. Greenmere Primary School is located in an estate of 1930s and 1950s formerly local authority housing. The ward in which it is located has an Index of Multiple Deprivation score of 15.24 placing it on the 18th centile for Oxfordshire (range 49 – 0.9) and national 55th centile. Currently housed in sub-standard accommodation it is scheduled to transfer to new buildings, on the same site, by Easter 2007. The school site is contiguous with that of St.Birinus Boys’ secondary school.
  2. The current school resources are poor and in need of replacing, particularly in respect of modern ICT (data projectors, interactive white boards & ‘slates’, laptops etc.), classroom curriculum materials and the library. Historic ‘overspending’ has left the school with a deficit budget and pressure on it to reduce expenditure at a time when there is a need to invest in raising standards.
  3. The school was issued with a Formal Warning Notice in March 2006 in respect of:

    • Inadequate standards and achievement in Key Stage 2;
    • Serious weaknesses in the quality of teaching and learning in Key Stage 2;
    • Insufficient impact by senior management on standards, achievement, and the quality of teaching and learning in Key Stage 2.

  1. It is the view of officers, the headteacher and chair of governors that were the school to be inspected by OfSTED in the near future (the school was last inspected in 2001 so an inspection is due) it would most likely be subjected to Special Measures.
  2. Fresh Start

  3. The DfES supports a number of initiatives to help raise achievement in schools which are ‘of concern’ (either in an OfSTED category or subject to a Formal Warning Notice). The Fresh Start initiative consists of the formal closure of a school of concern and its replacement by a new school, either in the existing school buildings or in new buildings. The DfES supports Fresh Start projects with additional revenue and, where appropriate, capital funding.
  4. Discussions have been held with the DfES and the department has confirmed, in writing, that Greenmere Primary School meets its criteria for Fresh Start and will support this with £100,000 revenue in the current financial year and £75,000 in 2007-2008. Further revenue may be made available, contingent upon receipt of satisfactory progress reports submitted on a regular basis to the DfES by the Local Authority.
  5. Formative consultation

  6. Officers have held meetings with the staff of Greenmere Primary School, the governing body, the headteachers of the Didcot Partnership schools and parents (2 meetings). The governing body voted unanimously in favour of the Local Authority proceeding with Fresh Start; local headteachers are in support, acknowledging that it would be in the best interests of the pupils and community that Greenmere Primary School serves; parents were in support but some concerns were raised about the possible impact on staff. Understandably, although staff acknowledged that Fresh Start would bring significant benefits for the pupils their own futures would be uncertain (see below) and were therefore ambivalent about the proposal.
  7. Financial and Staff Implications

  8. Fresh Start would require the closure of Greenmere Primary School and all current staff, including the headteacher, would need to apply for posts in the new school. Appointments will be the responsibility of the new school’s governing body. The headteacher post must be advertised externally but in the first instance all other posts will be ring fenced to existing staff. Any who are unsuccessful in obtaining positions in the new school will be supported by officers in seeking to find suitable alternative employment either in other schools or elsewhere within the County Council. Local headteachers have confirmed their willingness to work with officers in exploring, where appropriate, redeployment of displaced staff. The additional revenue funding for Fresh Start can be used to fund additional post in the new school and it is anticipated that the overwhelming majority of current staff who seek posts in the new school will be successful.
  9. In the event that any staff who do not secure a post in either the new school or elsewhere then a redundancy payment may be liable. Other than this possible cost there are no other financial implications although there will be a need for ongoing investment of officer time.

  11. The Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement is RECOMMENDED to authorise officers to carry out a formal consultation with all stakeholders and to report the outcome of this to the Cabinet on 17 April 2007.

    (Statement of Decision)

Director for Children, Young People & Families

Background papers: DfES The Standards Site

Contact Officer: Roy Leach, Senior Adviser Educational Achievement & Service Monitoring Tel: (01865) 428117

February 2007

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