Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement
Tuesday, 5 September 2006

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Division(s): Banbury Easington




Banbury School – New Classroom Block to replace Stanbridge Hall

DECISION BY: Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement

START YEAR: 2006/2007

BASIS OF ESTIMATE: Mouchel Parkman estimate based on agreed sketch scheme.

(Resource Appraisal - download as .xls file)

  2. Banbury School is a secondary school for pupils aged 11 – 18 and currently provides the 6th Form provision for Banbury Town and the Warriner Schools catchment that covers Bloxham and rural North Oxfordshire.

    Banbury School was created by the amalgamation of the Stanbridge Grammar School and Wykham and Broughton Secondary Modern Schools in the mid 1960’s. Stanbridge Hall no longer meets current educational requirements and its distance from the heart of the school causes significant student, teacher and staff travelling time resulting in lost teaching and learning time.

    The County Council and the School see the replacement of Stanbridge Hall with a new building at the heart of the campus as the key to creating a more coherent school environment that will have a significant impact in raising educational achievement.

    In order to facilitate the scheme it is necessary for the County Council to declare surplus to requirements an area of up to I hectare (2.47 acres) of the existing Stanbridge Hall site and it is proposed that approval for this is given as part of this project approval.

    The scheme has the full support of staff and the School’s Governing Body and meets the objectives of the County Council's Corporate Plan.

  4. The project will replace the existing accommodation in Stanbridge Hall by providing teaching accommodation, teaching support spaces and associated facilities including a replacement dining hall all in line with Oxfordshire’s Secondary School Brief. The new building will provide faculty accommodation for Humanities, Modern Foreign Languages and Business Studies together with general teaching classrooms.

    The accommodation will be provided in two 2-storey linked blocks and comprises the equivalent of 28 teaching classrooms, Upper School reception, offices for Vice Principal, Heads of Year and support staff, storage and pupil and staff toilets together with a new dining hall and social area located adjacent to the existing kitchen.

    The scheme includes hard paved and landscaped areas around the building, provision of car parking spaces to replace ‘lost’ spaces together with drainage and services.

    The project will provide a fully accessible building for all users and will thereby, address accessibility issues that exist with the current Stanbridge Hall building.

  6. The Stanbridge Hall was built 80 years ago as a Grammar School to deliver a limited academic curriculum to a small selective percentage of the population and a suitability assessment based on the current Education Asset Management Plan guidelines shows that all the classrooms, dining, reception and library are below the recommended size. The size, shape and organisation of these spaces make delivery of the curriculum difficult and long, narrow corridors lead to behavioural problems. There is a lack of teaching ‘break-out’ areas and social areas. The location of the building on the extreme end of the campus results in lost teaching and learning time because of the long travel distances. This raises additional security, supervision and health and safety issues. The building fabric is in poor condition and has a high repairs and maintenance liability. The repairs and maintenance assessed need totals approximately £900,000.

    The new building will provide a more coherent, centralised set of ‘state of the art’ classrooms and associated accommodation located within the main school gates. The building will continue the site development plan by ‘filling the gap’ left after the demolition of part of Wykham Hall during the NDS4 development of science and technology in 2001/02.

    The project will enhance the school by providing modern facilities as replacement of substandard and outdated accommodation and will have a significant impact upon the educational achievement of all students at the school. The new building will be built to the latest DfES guidelines incorporating new educational technologies to facilitate the current curriculum and teaching strategies. The central campus location will significantly reduce both student and staff movement between buildings and this will result in a corresponding increase in teaching and learning time.

    This strategy is considered the best option to meet the long term academic vision for Banbury School, it will help to improve educational standards, it will cause minimal disruption to the school during construction and will achieve best value by use of the available capital receipt.

    There will be revenue savings due to the school using new buildings and there will be a reduction in repairs and maintenance liabilities.

  8. Various options have been considered to upgrade the existing Stanbridge Hall building as follows:

        1. do nothing except basic decoration – a low cost option but would fail to address suitability and condition issues.
        2. substantially upgrade and internally adapt the whole building – internal adaptation would result in the loss of classrooms and consequent need to provide a new build six classroom extension. In view of the limited life of the existing building and expected high whole life costs, it is not considered viable to use the existing building.
        3. retain the front block and demolish and replace with new build behind – this would represent only 70% of the ideal physical solution. There would be significant decant costs to be added to the new build cost without any supporting capital receipt. The school would suffer significant disruption during the building period.
        4. retain the ‘portico’ with demolition and new build of the remainder – this would achieve 90% of the physical solution but with a higher building cost compared to straight replacement. Other costs as Option 3.

    None of the options address the over-riding location issues, nor the School and LEA’s vision to develop the principle of a coherent campus with more centralised accommodation that in turn will have an impact on raising educational achievement.

    Options for the disposal of the Stanbridge Hall site have been the subject of extensive consultation with Cherwell District Council. The preferred option was for the site to be transferred to Social and Community Services and Oxford Care Partnership to provide the site for an elderly persons home. After considerable option analysis above and negotiation, Cherwell District Council could not agree to any affordable options and at the same time Stanbridge Hall was placed on the District Council’s List of Buildings of Local Historic Interest for Banbury. This has significantly delayed the project incurring increased costs. Although there is no requirement to retain the Stanbridge Hall building as a freestanding building, this has caused a greater uncertainty in the potential capital receipt. The importance of this project for the development of secondary education in Banbury, despite the objection from the District Council on the future development of the disposal site, means that, in taking forward this project, the uncertainty of the capital receipt will place additional financial pressure on future capital projects.


(i) Capital

The estimated cost of the project inclusive of fees is £5,875,000.

This cost will be met from the capital receipt achieved from the sale of the existing Stanbridge Hall site, which is currently estimated at a minimum of £500,000, and the balance will be met from government loan sanction provided as part of Oxfordshire’s Supported Capital Expenditure allocation (£5,375,000).

This scheme is identified in the Capital Programme Forward Plan.

(ii) Revenue

The school will meet day-to-day repair and maintenance costs and structural repairs as part of the Council’s Fair Funding arrangements. The revenue costs for the new building are expected to be less than the existing building.

(iii) Risk

Regular risk assessments have been carried out and a Risk Register is maintained to manage, reduce and remove identified risks.


The building work will be carried out in accordance with the planning permission issued by the County Council. The design, materials and landscaping will be as specified in the planning consent.

The design provides for natural ventilation and solar shading without depriving the internal areas of natural lighting, as per "Guidelines for Environmental Design in Schools - Building Bulletin 87". The building achieved a "Good" rating in the Building Research Establishment’s Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) Pre-Assessment estimation, which allows a quick evaluation of the likely environmental rating a building would achieve under a formal BREEAM Schools assessment.

The sustainability principles applied to the design incorporate the values of comfort, good internal environment (heating, lighting, ventilation) and adequacy to the teaching areas. The existing quality of the site and landscape will be enhanced by re-provision of the same number of trees that will be lost. The scheme takes into account the current services and building features and in so doing will make efficient use of the available resources.

Director for Children, Young People & Families

Head of Finance & Procurement, Resources

Head of Property, Resources

Contact: John Phipps, Service Manager, Property & Assets, Strategy & Performance, Children, Young People & Families Tel: (01865) 816455

August 2006

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