Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement
Tuesday, 4 December 2007


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Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement – 4 December 2007


Statement of Decision


Tower Hill School – Extension of the Age-Range of the School by the Addition of a Nursery Class



Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement : Councillor Michael Waine


Kath Coldwell (Corporate Core)

Michael Mill, Strategic Manager (Property & Assets) (Children, Young People & Families)


Documentation considered:


Tower Hill School – Extension of the Age-Range of the School by the Addition of a Nursery Class

A copy is attached to the signed copy of this decision.


Email from Ms Maggie Smith (Early Years and Childcare Advisor) in relation to this item.


Cabinet Member’s Comments


I note that no objections to the proposal have been received.


Ms Maggie Smith (Early Years and Childcare Advisor) has visited the school since the 2 October 2007 meeting and has met with the Headteacher and two governors.  At this meeting they agreed to commit both time and money to address the needs of the new nursery class highlighted in the premises report. These are:


  • a bigger toilet cubicle to enable wheelchair access and a child to be changed. Ms Smith has received agreement that this would be carried out immediately before children are admitted in January;
  • an outdoor covered area – the Head teacher has undertaken to investigate different designs. Ms Ann Stone the advisory teacher will recommend gardens to visit to look at covered areas;
  • improved access for disabled children - the school governors have plans to improve this and county funding will hopefully contribute to whole school improvements; and
  • the governors are committed to good staffing ratios and high quality provision.


I am happy to approve the proposals subject to the school providing the Governors’ minutes as evidence of a development plan which will detail how the foundation stage unit will be funded and confirm their agreement to provide the necessary funding, as stated in the minutes of the 2 October 2007 meeting, when I agreed to the publication of a statutory notice to extend the age range of the school by the addition of a nursery class.


The proposals will contribute towards raising local standards of provision and improved attainment. The addition of a nursery class will ensure continuity of provision and help improve standards on entry to year 1. The school is also likely to take in additional numbers over the coming months and years.




Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before me, and the further considerations set out above, I confirm my decisions on this matter as follows:


to approve the proposals subject to the school providing the Governors’ minutes as evidence of a development plan which will detail how the foundation stage unit will be funded and will confirm their agreement to provide the necessary funding.


Signed ......................................................................

            Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement


Date ………………………


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